Pope Francis alerts about the risks of AI and asks for clear rules to prevent abuse

Pope Francis sent a message to the participants of the IV Latin American Congress “Artificial Intelligence and Sexual Abuse: a new challenge for prevention, underlining the urgency of a responsible use of technology and warning about the risks it entails.

A call for responsibility in the use of technology

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In Your messagesigned on January 13 and shared during the inauguration of the Congress that is celebrated from February 25 to 27 in Lima (Peru), the Pontiff reflected on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the production and dissemination of inappropriate content, especially those that affect minors.

“For an old priest, the technical components of these issues can be arduous to understand and it is difficult to be specifically updated about each of the advances in this parallel universe that we have called the network. However, the truth, the truth with capital letters, which is Jesus Christ, will always be current, therefore, valid for reflection on any argument that is presented to us as new, ”said Francisco.

The event has been promoted by the Interdisciplinary Research and Training Center for the protection of the minor (Ceprome) and the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.

The danger of impunity in the digital environment

The Pope warned about the feeling of impunity generated by the use of the Internet and how AI can aggravate this problem.

“You know that the use of the Internet creates the feeling of impunity, as if a great distance separate us from what happens, while we observe it from a distant window,” he said. However, he recalled that this attitude is not new and mentioned biblical examples such as Adam and Eva, who tried to blame other mistakes, or King David, who tried to hide his sin with another even more serious.

In the case of AI, the Holy Father warned that impunity acquires a new level, since now it is not only about the transmission or collection of inappropriate materials, but about the creation of synthetic content that can cause serious damage.

“Not having been our hand to produce these materials could create the false illusion that we are not we who do something shameful. But it is not true, the machine follows our orders, executes, does not make decisions, ”said Francisco.

The need to establish limits and regulations

The Pope emphasized that the irresponsible use of these technologies can cause damage not only to direct victims, but to the whole society. He mentioned that the proliferation of inappropriate materials that pollute the environment “hinders the work of the authorities” to discern between real and synthetic material “, and can encourage others to imitate harmful behaviors.

Therefore, he urged to establish “clear limits and norms” for the development and use of artificial intelligence, so that “its harmful or criminal use can be prevented.”

“The use of these technologies can carry damage (…) of these damages must respond, within the framework of one’s responsibility, both who uses such a machine and who designed it to be safe,” he said.

A message of hope and prayer

Finally, the Holy Father encouraged Congress participants to continue working for the protection of minors and the eradication of abuse. He claimed to be united in prayer with them and asked God to bless the fruits of this initiative.

“May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin take care of them. And please do not forget to pray for me, ”concluded Pope Francis.


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