Pope Francis: 10 times he said that the devil does exist

Pope Francis: 10 times he said that the devil does exist

Some Catholics who are just starting out in the faith might think that the existence of the devil is just a legend. However, the Catholic Church reminds us that the devil exists and is always on the lookout, in various forms, to lead us astray.

Like other Pontiffs, Pope Francis has recalled on several occasions that the devil does exist and that his action is present in today’s world. Likewise, he has explained the spiritual weapons that we must use to fight and overcome his temptations.

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Below, 10 occasions in which Pope Francis spoke clearly about the devil, his existence, his action and what a Catholic can do to combat him:

1. The devil is not a myth and we must fight him

On October 30, 2014, from the chapel of Casa Santa Marta where he resides, the Holy Father indicated in his homily that “this generation and many others have been made to believe that the devil was a mytha figure, an idea, the idea of ​​evil”, but he recalled that Saint Paul teaches us in the Gospel that “The devil exists and we must fight against him!”.

2. Hypocrisy is the language of the devil

On October 15, 2019, Pope Francis noted in his homily from Casa Santa Marta that Jesus “cannot stand hypocrisy”, because “it is the language of the devil“. The Holy Father recalled that the father of lies and “the great hypocrite” is the devil, and that is why “the hypocritical attitude is born” from him.

3. The devil is envious and his goal is for us not to be saved

On July 19, 2020, before praying the Angelus, Pope Francis warned that the devil wants “hinder the work of salvation” and therefore “scatter the tares” through “unjust workers” and “sowers of scandals”, to hinder “the growth of the wheat”, the followers of Christ.

However, while evil “must be rejected,” one must have “patience” with evil people, because God also wants them to be saved. “It is not about that hypocritical tolerance that hides ambiguity, but about justice mitigated by mercy,” he said.

4. The devil wants to destroy the Church with division and money

On September 9, 2016, Pope Francis expressed before more than 100 bishops in the Vatican that the devil wants “destroy the Church from within“, and stressed that to achieve this “has two weapons, but the main one is division: the other is money“. He explained that the devil manages to divide with gossip, “a custom of ‘terrorism'” and asked to fight against it.

5. Priests are tempted to grow their faith

On March 2, 2017, Pope Francis reminded the priests of the Diocese of Rome that God does not command temptations, “but neither does he prevent them,” and called on them to imitate the faith of Simon Peter, constantly tested by the devil.

The Pope noted that Peter’s entire life is “a progress in faith thanks to the accompaniment of the Lord, who teaches him to discern in his own heart what comes from the Father and what comes from the devil“.

“Perhaps the greatest temptation of the devil” to the Apostle Peter was to insinuate in him “the idea of ​​not being worthy of being a friend of Jesus, because he had betrayed him.” However, he remembered that “the Lord is faithful. Always. And he always renews his faithfulness.”

6. Jesus defeated the temptations of the devil

On May 1, 2019, on the Feast of Saint Joseph, Pope Francis highlighted in the general audience that Christ faced the devil in the desert, but “He rejected all temptation and emerged victorious“.

The Pontiff explained that Jesus’ public life began “with the temptation that comes from Satan. Satan was present there. Many people say: ‘But why talk about the devil, which is an ancient thing, the devil does not exist’. No, Look what the Gospel teaches you: Jesus faced the devil. He was tempted by Satan.”

That’s why, “our consolation in the face of the test It is knowing that, since Jesus crossed it, that valley is no longer desolate, but blessed by the presence of the Son of God. He will never abandon us,” he added.

7. The devil tempts us in three steps

On April 4, 2020, Pope Francis explained in his homily how the devil tempts. First, “It starts with little, with a desire, an idea, it grows, it infects others and, in the end, total justification. These are the three steps of the temptation of the devil in us, “he said, and recalled that it was the same temptation” to reach the condemnation of Jesus.

The Pope explained that the “devil is cunning”; That is why it is “difficult for temptations to come to us all at once,” and he encouraged us to analyze these steps within ourselves. The first thing to do “when we find ourselves in a sin” is to “ask the Lord for forgiveness”; Then, we must ask ourselves: “How did I get there? How did this process begin in my soul? How did it grow? Who have I infected? And how in the end have I justified myself for falling?” he explained.

8. There is no dialogue with the devil

On December 13, 2017, Pope Francis warned that the devil “is not a diffuse thing,” but rather “a person” with whom one should not dialogue. “You cannot dialogue with Satan. Because If you start to dialogue with Satan, you are lost. She is smarter than us. She surrounds you, she surrounds you, she makes your head spin and you are lost,” she stressed.

9. The Virgin Mary protects us from the devil

In the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome (Italy), Pope Francis said on January 29, 2018 that “where the Virgin lives, the devil does not enter that house“.

“The Mother guards the faith, protects relationships, saves in the elements and preserves from evil,” he said.

10. Pray to Saint Michael the Archangel against the devil’s stalkings

In 2022, the Holy Father encouraged Catholics that when they are tempted, they pray to Saint Michael the Archangel, who according to the Apocalypse is in charge of defeating the devil in the final battle.

“I pray it every day, in the morning. Every day! To help me defeat the devil. Someone who listens to me can say: ‘But, Your Holiness, you have studied, you are Pope and do you still believe in the devil?’. Yes I believe. “I’m afraid of him, that’s why I have to defend myself so much,” he said.

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