Pillín Bracamonte, head of the Rosario Central bar, was shot in the back after the classic with Newell’s

Pillín Bracamonte, head of the Rosario Central bar, was shot in the back after the classic with Newell’s

Argentine soccer added a new chapter of violence. This time Andrés involved “Pillín” Bracamonte, leader of the Rosario Central brava gang, who was shot in the back this Saturday, near the Gigante de Arroyito stadium, after the classic in which “Canalla” defeated Newell’s 1-0. In the same attack, His 34-year-old partner was also injured in the right rib area and elbow.

After the incident, in Alem Park, Pillín and his girlfriend had to receive medical attention. Bracamonte arrived on his own at the Northern Zone Children’s Hospital, where it was found that the bullet wound at the level of the lungs had an entrance and exitwhich caused a skin lesion. He was later referred to the Centenario Hospital, as was his girlfriend identified by the name of Agustina D. According to what was reported by local media, Both are out of danger.

The investigation is in a preliminary stage and, so far, there are different versions of the attack. One of them suggests that the shots came from a motorcycle, while another maintains that the attack occurred in the middle of a fight in the park. Prosecutor Georgina Pairola, in charge of the investigation, appeared at the scene of the incident together with the criminal investigation department of the Investigative Police (PDI) to carry out the reconstruction of the events and clarify the circumstances of the attack.

Given this, the agents took statements from witnesses and reviewed the security cameras located in the Alem Park area and its surroundings, with the aim of identifying those responsible.

It is worth remembering that in February of this year, criminals on motorcycles fired shots in the country of Ibarlucea where Bracamonte lives. According to the complaint at that time, the attackers left a note with threats after the barrabrava was released on bail after his arrest for a complaint of extortion and illicit association.

The police record of Andrés Pillín Bracamonte, the Rosario Central bar who was shot

The name of Andrés “Pillín” Bracamonte is not new in the judicial field, since he was the protagonist of several episodes that link him to criminal activities. In December of last year, for his alleged participation in an illicit association that, Through extortion, he obtained millionaire income.

According to the accusation presented by prosecutor Miguel Moreno, the organization of which Bracamonte was a part carried out business with food, rental of chemical toilets and charged bribes to contracting companies to obtain union debt-free certificates. In addition, he is credited with having required construction companies to hire people from his environment so that they can earn salaries without working, as was the case with the son of the head of the paravalanches.

Another aspect that the justice system is investigating is the alleged money laundering by Bracamonte, whose economic rise was put under scrutiny. Since he became the leader of the Rosario Central gang more than 20 years ago, his wealth has grown considerably, leading authorities to investigate the origin of his funds.

In June 2019, Bracamonte was also accused of having intimidated Jorge Andrés Bilicich, representative of the soccer player Gastón Ávila, demanding a percentage of the sale of the Rosario Central soccer player to Boca Juniors. During the hearing held at the Criminal Justice Center, prosecutor Moreno detailed how Bracamonte used his influence over the club’s leaders to get Bilicich to agree to give him 20 percent of the profits obtained in the operation.

According to the testimonies presented, Bracamonte met Bilicich in a bar, where he told him that he investigated him and that he knew he was a good person, which was interpreted as an ostentation of his power within the club. Finally, Bilicich, fearing possible reprisals, handed over two checks for a total of more than 1,300,000 pesos, thus giving in to the pressure exerted by the head of the brava gang.

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