Paris 2024: France is denounced to the UN and the EU for blasphemous inauguration

The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has filed a complaint against France before the European Commission and the UN for the scenes of blasphemous content about the Last Supper carried out by a group of drag queens during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

In the complaint to the European authorities, it is argued that the show violated several articles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Specifically, it refers to article 10, referring to freedom of thought, conscience and religion: article 21, which deals with the right to non-discrimination and article 22, which protects cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.

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In parallel, the entity of Spanish jurists has filed another complaint with the office of the UN Special Rapporteur on religious freedom, Nazila Ghanea, for a possible violation of article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rightswhich advocates its application without discrimination of any kind.

The complaint to the UN also considers articles 2 and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by France. These articles refer to the commitment of the signatory states to respect and make effective the rights contained in the text and to guarantee that the law will prohibit all discrimination.

Finally, the complaint before the UN Special Reports defends that the Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief in its articles 2, 3 and 4.

Christian Lawyers has filed more than 100,000 protests with the International Olympic Committee over blasphemies during the opening of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Credit: Christian Lawyers.
Christian Lawyers has filed more than 100,000 protests with the International Olympic Committee over blasphemies during the opening of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Credit: Christian Lawyers.

On the other hand, Christian Lawyers has presented to the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee in Switzerland the more than 100,000 signatures collected in just a few hours calling for sanctions for the organizers of the Paris Games.

For Poland Castellanos, president of the Spanish legal entity, “if the unprecedented attack against Christians that took place at the Olympic Games in France has no consequences and those responsible are not punished, we are exposed to it being repeated in the next Olympic Games and on any occasion,” as stated in a statement sent to the media.

Castellanos emphasizes in conclusion that “we must stop, before it is too late, the increase in Christianophobia in Europe.”


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