Traveling with a baby or a small child can be Fun, frustrating and included developer.
The Planning is keyand so is the will to Adapt the trip to the youngest traveler of the group.
As Dr. Elizabeth Barnett, director of the Pediatric Travel Program of the Boston Medical Center advises: “If it takes a small child, everything revolves around the child.”
1) Choose one (or two) destinations
It is not time to make a trip of “nine European capitals in seven days”. Think about choosing a place or dividing your trip between two destinations.
That will allow you to settle and Organize sleep schedule. Most young children love routines.
If you find the playground or adequate bakery, your child will enjoy returning.
2) How to get there: strategy and luck
Airports, airplanes, long trips by car or train: depending on the character of their child, they are all important. Prepare to distract him, reassure him, sing, breastfeed him … whatever.
In the case of young children, pediatricians agree that trips are the perfect occasion for Forget about time on time in front of the screen and resort to devices and programs that help to hang out.
For the you drinksucking something aboard the plane can help them with the painful air pressure changes in the ears, so carry a pacifier and a bottle, and if you are breastfeeding, dress to breastfeed comfortably in the semi -public.

Do not give your baby medications to reconcile sleep unless you have consulted it with the pediatrician and, if authorized, try them first at home in case negative reactions appear. Healthychildren.orgof the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is a good source of tips for traveling by plane with babies.
Keep in mind that if a baby car chair will be used on an airplane, you must say on the label that is certified for use in airplanes.
Some children behave perfectly on long flights, while others get very bad. But all children are capable of both behaviors.
It depends on you Material and amusements, snacksmolts of clothing and a kind and apology smile in case your son interferes with the comfort of the other passengers.
3) The place of accommodation matters
Many people with young children prefer vacation rentals With kitchen. The Hotelshowever, they can work well -buffet breakfasts and cleaning services are always useful -but see comments on the Internet to see if guests with babies and young children had good experiences.
As for cribstell the hotel and inform yourself in advance about the availability. Airbnb has a filter for those looking for cribs. Many accommodations specify additional equipment, including babies monitors. It is best to contact the host. Remember that “suitable for children” does not mean “children’s proof”, so look at the details and pay special attention to Stairs, chimneys, swimming pools and jacuzzis.
4) Sleep when your baby sleeps
Los sleep schedules They vary greatly from one child to another. Some babies can sleep anywhere and any way, and others need a quiet and dark room.
Sea flexible: In this, as in so many other things, the trip is more likely to go well if the child’s schedules are followed that if an adult schedule is insisted with a sleepy and moody child.
5) Choose restaurants adapted to children
Not decant for the luxurious, but for what cozyand try to go in hours of little public influx.
Its ideal restaurant is a place where families come to eat and relax.
A charming aspect of traveling in Spain and Italy, for example, is that if you meet a late dinner with a baby or a very active small child, everyone will take off. And whatever the time, if you find a place that works -and dishes that your little son appreciates -, prepare to return.
6) Disad
I may find it to visit all the churches and art collections, but not on this trip. Choose one or two things you like to do the most, think if you could better a carrier or a stroller, and prepare to shorten or suppress the mission.
Start with limited expectations And perhaps it is surprised by your child’s ability to adapt.
7) Take the right equipment
Yes, you need a folding stroller, and yes, you need a car chair. A laptop guarantees a safe surface to sleep and can also serve as a corralito in a strange room.
There are also chairs to eat laptops, which are hooked on the edge of the table.
8) Take into account vaccines, emergency plans and water safety and food
Long before leaving, See your child’s pediatrician. Make sure the vaccines are up to date and comment if others are necessary.
For remote areas, consider the possibility of consulting a Traveler Medicine Expertand speak of special vaccines and antipalúdico medications.
Take the medication That your son usually takes, and asked his pediatrician how to communicate if problems arise. You can also consult in advance to the hosts of rentals or the janitors about local doctors and hospitals, with special reference to pediatrics.
If your sick son during the trip, “the first thing is to do what he would do if he were home,” says Barnett. Consider carrying liquid or ibuprofen paracetamol.
A child with vomiting or diarrhea needs liquids immediately to avoid dehydration, and the smaller the baby, the more important it is to look for local medical attention.
In one zone without drinking waterbreastfeeding is a way to keep the baby safe; For a child who drinks anything else, it is rigorous with the use of boiled or bottled water, and border the cooked food and fruits that can be peel.
9) Do not lose sight of the sun
Wherever you are, give priority to the Safety against the sun. Take sun protection and hats, and keep the children covered when the sun gives them.
If you need both sun protection and insect repellent, apply sun protection first
Perri Klass / The New York Times. Especial para Clarin