Opus Dei celebrates 50 years since Saint Josemaría’s visit to Latin America

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the visit that Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer made to Latin America, Opus Dei launched a new multimedia material that shows the impact and fruits of the prelature in the Latin American countries that the Spanish saint visited between 1974 and 1975. .

The websitecreated for this purpose, points out that the resources seek to express “how the charisma of Opus Dei has come to life in different cultures.”

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Clara Fontan, from the Opus Dei Communications Office in Rome, told EWTN News that the concept of the multimedia material is “the journey of the journey,” that is, telling the impact that the saint’s visits had, captured “in personal and in initiatives developed from the evolution of the charisma that the founder of Opus Dei reinforced, because when he (Saint Josemaría) traveled it had already existed in those countries for about 20 years.”

In addition to being part of the upcoming celebration of the 100 years of the founding of Opus Dei, in 2028, this multimedia material is based “on an idea often repeated by Saint Josemaría on his trip: ‘I have come to learn.’ We think that the founder’s humble attitude generated an exchange on that trip that bore fruit and that we wanted to reflect with the multimedia content,” Fontan said in statements to ACI Prensa.

Saint Josemaría visited Brazil from May 22, 1974 to June 7; then he went to Argentina from June 7 to 28. From there she went to Chile, from June 28 to July 9.

From July 9 to August 1 he was in Peru; Then he traveled to Ecuador from August 1 to 15. Between August 15 and 31 she made a first trip to Venezuela, and the second took place from February 4 to 15, 1975.

Saint Josemaría visited Guatemala from February 15 to 23, 1975. Colombia was also on the visit program, but due to health reasons the saint could only spend a few minutes at an airport in the country.

The visit of the successor of Saint Josemaría to Latin America in 2025

The Prelate of Opus Dei, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, will visit six Latin American countries in the middle of this year: Peru, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Puerto Rico.

Mons.  Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei.  Credit: Opus Dei
Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei. Credit: Opus Dei

When asked about this trip, Fontan told ACI Prensa that “it is common for the Prelate to make trips to meet with faithful of Opus Dei and, with exceptions, what marks that agenda is the time that these countries have not been visited.”

“In that sense, we can say that the next trip has been a providential coincidence,” he added.

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