Online workshop for couples and couples in light of the Theology of the Body of Saint John Paul II

Online workshop for couples and couples in light of the Theology of the Body of Saint John Paul II

The Catholic apostolate Vocation to Love, from Argentina, offers the “Songs” workshop, aimed especially at couples and couples, which consists of nine online sessions—some recorded and others live—with the aim of starting “a path of self-knowledge” of masculine and feminine identity, in light of the Theology of the Body of Saint John Paul II.

It is a workshop with four live sessions and five recorded. The latter offer separate reflections for men and women, while the live deliveries will be for simultaneous participation, with reflections “on human love lived in the gaze of God and under the action of the Holy Spirit, without neglecting other aspects related to interpersonal communication, dialogue, the experience of marital intimacy, the importance of healing,” explained Father Leandro Bonnin, member of the Vocation to Love apostolate.

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The title of the workshop, María Fernanda Quinteros stated in statements to ACI Prensa, “is a reference to the book of Holy Scripture whose central theme is Love: the Song of Songs. In this book the love between a man and a woman—according to Saint John Paul II—is revealed almost in the purity of its origins, being at the same time an icon of the love of God-Yahweh towards his people Israel.”

One of the objectives of the workshop, he pointed out, is “to offer couples and couples a path of self-knowledge, which allows them to recognize what God’s dream was in the beginning, when creating us men and women. We believe that only by rediscovering and embracing one’s own masculine and feminine identity, is it possible to live a full and happy human love, especially in marriage.”

The topics are based on Holy Scripture, the Magisterium of the Church and especially the teaching of Saint John Paul II. Participants will also receive complementary material for personal reflection and prayer and as a couple.

“We believe that the Theology of the Body offers a very powerful light for those who dare today to embark on the exciting adventure of loving forever. John Paul II told us when assuming his Petrine mission: ‘Do not be afraid,’ and today there is a lot of fear of total surrender,” he considered.

“From Vocation to Love we want to cooperate so that many can take that step and live embracing love in a way that is more similar every day to what God proposes to us, and in preparation for the eternal marriage of Heaven,” he concluded.

All information and registration for the workshop at this link.

What is Vocation to Love?

Vocation to Love is an apostolate that spreads the Theology of the Body of Saint John Paul II through in-person retreats and virtual activities.

In recent years he has delved into the traits of masculinity and femininity, in light of the thought of Karol Wojtyla.

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