Novena to the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

On September 29, the Church will celebrate the feast of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, who appear in the Bible with important missions from God.

The Archangels accompany the faithful and intercede for them before God. Hence, it is very useful to pray for his intercession for any grace or intention you have.

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Here we offer two novenas in honor of these three friends from heaven who have the task of defending man in the fight against the devil’s plans.

To access and download the first novena, you can enter this link.

Then the second novena. The prayer remains the same on each of the nine days.

By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
God and true Man,
Creator, Father and Redeemer of mine;
for being who you are, infinite goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I regret with all my heart that I have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the penalties of hell.
Helped by your divine grace
I firmly propose never to sin again,
confess and fulfill the penance that was imposed on me.

opening prayer

Almighty and eternal God, blessed and praised be you for all eternity. May all the angels and men that you have created adore you, love you and serve you, Holy God, Mighty God, Immortal God.

And You, Mary, Queen of the angels, mediatrix of all graces, almighty in your prayer, kindly receive the prayer that we address to the archangels and make it reach the Throne of the Most High so that we may obtain grace, salvation and help. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael:

Saint Michael the Archangel, you are the Prince of the heavenly militias, the conqueror of the infernal dragon. You have received from God the strength and power to annihilate through humility the pride of the powers of darkness. We implore you, awaken in us authentic humility of heart, unbreakable fidelity, to always fulfill the will of God, strength in suffering and needs, help us to survive before the court of God.

Saint Gabriel Archangel, you are the angel of the Incarnation, the faithful messenger of God, open our ears to capture the smallest signs and callings of the loving heart of our Lord. He always remains before our eyes, we implore you, so that we correctly understand the Word of God and follow and obey it and to fulfill what God wants of us. Make us vigilant in waiting for the Lord so that he does not find us asleep when he arrives.

Saint Raphael Archangel, you are the messenger of God’s love. We implore you, wound our hearts with a burning love for God and never let this wound close so that we remain on the path of love in daily life and overcome all obstacles by the strength of this love.

Help us, great and holy brothers, servants like us before God. Protect us against ourselves, against our cowardice and lukewarmness, against our selfishness and our greed, against our envy and distrust, against our sufficiency and comfort, against our desire to be appreciated. Release us from the bonds of sin and from all ties to the world.

Untie the blindfold that we ourselves have tied over our eyes, to exempt ourselves from seeing the misery that surrounds us, and to be able to look at our own self without discomfort and with commiseration.

Drive into our hearts the sting of God’s holy concern, so that we may never cease to seek Him with passion, contrition and love.

Seek in us the Blood of Our Lord that was shed for us. Seek in us the tears of your Queen shed for our cause. Look in us for the destroyed, faded, deteriorated image of God, the image for which God wanted to create us out of love.

Help us to recognize God, to worship him, love him and serve him. Help us in the fight against the powers of darkness that surround us and secretly oppress us.

Help us so that none of us is lost, and so that one day, joyful, we can be reunited in eternal happiness. Amen.

(The intentions of the novena are said and the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be are prayed three times).

Final Summons

Saint Michael, fight at our side with your angels, help us and pray for us.

Saint Raphael, fight at our side with your angels, help us and pray for us.

Saint Gabriel, fight at our side with your angels, help us and pray for us. Amen.

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