Novena to Saint John Bosco

Novena to Saint John Bosco

“God does not abandon anyone; whoever turns to Him with a heart clean of sin and with prayer well done, will obtain everything he needs,” said Saint John Bosco, whose feast day is celebrated this January 31.

Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco, better known as Don Bosco, was the founder of various communities, groups and initiatives that make up what is known as the Salesian Family.

Pope Saint John Paul II affectionately called him “father and teacher of youth” and “teacher of youth spirituality”; and not without reason. Don Bosco served the young people with affection; He understood them, protected them and formed them to face temporal life as a path to achieving holiness – whose reward is the life that does not know the end – (see: Carta Father’s youth of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on the Centenary of the Death of Saint John Bosco. 1988).

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