Novena for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Every August 30, the novena begins for the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin (September 8), Mother of Jesus and our Mother, intermediary of all graces. Through Her, humanity was able to receive the gift that is above all gifts: Jesus Christ, God made man.

Saint John Damascene (675-749) said: “We have very valid reasons to honor the birth of the Mother of God, through whom the entire human race has been restored and the sadness of the first mother, Eve, has been transformed. in joy” (homily dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin, delivered in the Basilica of Saint Anne in Jerusalem).

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The Nativity of the Virgin Mary has been celebrated since ancient times. In the East there are records that ratify this practice from the 5th century, while in the West there are records from the 7th century.

Precisely, in the 7th century, in the city of Rome, the festival of the Nativity of Mary was celebrated with a procession in which the litanies to the Virgin were sung in their oldest versions. This procession concluded in the Basilica of Santa María la Mayor, one of the four major basilicas of the city and the largest church dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the Eternal City. Santa María Maggiore is the church that Pope Francis has chosen to pray before and after his trips outside of Italy. The Pope usually prays before the icon of the The health of the Roman people (Health of the Roman people).

According to the Liturgical Calendar, the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on September 8, nine months after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (December 8), a period that corresponds to human gestation.

Below we share a novena in honor of the birth of Our Blessed Mother:

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