Nicaraguan dictatorship releases new photos and video of Mons. Rolando Alvarez

Nicaraguan dictatorship releases new photos and video of Mons.  Rolando Alvarez

For his part, Félix Maradiaga, former presidential candidate and president of the Nicaraguan Freedom Foundation, expressed his “rejection and concern” about the images disseminated by the Nicaraguan dictatorship, and considered that these have been “presented as a response to the complaints about the inhuman and arbitrary conditions of his imprisonment, and are a clear attempt to distort reality.”

“We understand that these photographs do not reflect the true situation of Monsignor Álvarez. Its appearance, coinciding with international efforts that demand proof of life and the pronouncements of important entities such as the United States Congress and the European Parliament, demonstrates the dictatorship’s intention to create a false impression of normality,” he stressed in statements sent to ACI Prensa.

To conclude, Maradiaga urges the international community to remain “vigilant” and “not to be fooled by these maneuvers.” At the same time he asks you “to continue demanding the immediate and fair release of Monsignor Rolando Álvarez and all political prisoners in Nicaragua. The fight for justice and truth must continue relentlessly.”

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