Nicaragua: Bishop Silvio Báez is greeted on his 66th birthday, 5 of them in exile

Nicaragua: Bishop Silvio Báez is greeted on his 66th birthday, 5 of them in exile

Various leaders of Nicaragua congratulated Bishop Silvio Báez, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, who celebrated his 66th birthday on Sunday, April 28, five of which he has spent in exile due to the persecution waged against him and the Catholic Church by the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo.

Mons. Báez currently lives in Miami (United States) and usually presides over Sunday Mass at Saint Agatha Church. In April 2019, the prelate left Nicaragua, faced with threats and persecution from the Ortega and Murillo dictatorship, to serve in Rome, from where he later moved to the United States.

“Happy birthday, Monsignor @silviojbaez, bishop and dear friend. I join with gratitude and joy with all the voices who celebrate his life, and appreciate his pastoral voice and guidance. May God always take care of him and protect him! ”He wrote in his account. red social X (formerly Twitter) Félix Maradiaga, former political prisoner and president of the Freedom for Nicaragua Foundation.

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