New York Cathedral held Mass of Reparation after funeral of trans activist

New York Cathedral held Mass of Reparation after funeral of trans activist

The parish priest of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York (United States) said today that a Mass of Reparation was celebrated after a controversial and irreverent funeral service was held in the Catholic temple for Cecilia Gentili, a trans activist.

The cathedral hosted a Feb. 15 funeral service for Gentili, an activist who helped decriminalize sex work in New York, advocated for “gender identity” to be added as a protected class to the state’s human rights laws, and raised funds for transgender causes. Gentili was a man who identified as a woman.

Throughout the liturgy, the officiant, Father Edward Dougherty, referred to Gentili with female pronouns and described the trans-identified man as “our sister.” Additionally, during prayers of the faithful, the reader prayed for so-called gender-affirmative healthcare, while attendees frequently referred to Gentili as the “mother of prostitutes.”

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