New Year 2024: Priest shares tradition to have a protective saint

New Year 2024: Priest shares tradition to have a protective saint

One of the saints who referred to this tradition was Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, who wrote in her diary: “On New Year’s Day there is the custom among us of drawing luck for the particular patron for the entire year.”

In that sense, the Polish saint described her experience: “In the morning, during meditation, one of these secret desires awoke in me: that the Eucharistic Jesus would be my particular patron also for that year, as before (…) . As I approached the little cards with the names of the patrons, I took one, without reflecting, without reading it immediately; I wanted to mortify myself for a few minutes. Suddenly I heard a voice in my soul: I am your employer, read. At that same moment I looked at the inscription and read: ‘Patron of the Most Holy Eucharist for the year 1935.'”

According to the Uruguayan priest, the saint that each one receives “will be your traveling companion throughout the year, it will be your friend, your confidant. He will protect him, help him in his daily life and make him discover his own path of holiness. He will enrich you with his virtues and will speak to your heart, according to the degree of intimacy that you wish to live with him.”

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