New skin care formulas

New skin care formulas

It is a hit in the world of beauty. Its powerful exfoliating properties, which leave skin soft and balanced, make the salicylic acid be one of the most used formulas. What exactly is it? It is a type of beta hydroxy acid (BHA), an organic compound commonly used in cosmetics. It is found naturally in plants such as willow, due to its natural ability to promote exfoliationwhich helps protect the plant from bacterial infections. “Due to its molecular structure, salicylic acid is oil-soluble, so it can effectively penetrate deeper into the pores of the skin. Allow the dry skin becomes softer and looser. Also, that the one that is scaly or thickened falls off or can be easily eliminated,” details dermatologist María Florencia Paniego.

Their therapeutic properties make it perfect for addressing a wide range of skin conditions. “It is commonly recommended for the treatment of dermatological problems such as acne, keratosis pilaris and psoriasis. It is also effective in treating hyperkeratosis, which is the thickening of the outer layer of the skin that can clog pores and cause problems such as acne,” explains dermatologist Leisa Molinari.

How to use

It can be found at cleansers, scrubs, serums and products for treating spots, and also in shampoos. It is available in different concentrations, each of them prepared for a specific purpose.

However, something key to determine is the amount in which it should be used, as well as the frequency. For this reason, it is most recommended that before including it in your beauty routine, first do a dermatological consultation to adapt its use to specific needs. “This acid must be prescribed by the doctor specialist since, due to its power, it can become a problem for the patient if it is used excessively or not used appropriately, “It can cause irritation and dry out the skin.”warns cosmetic surgeon Johanna Furlan.

Some salicylic acid products use low-grade concentrations, which may be helpful for daily use. On the other hand, there are stronger formulations, such as those contained in some exfoliating serums, that aggressively remove any residue, dead skin and excess sebum. Despite all its benefits, salicylic acid must be used with caution. “It is not recommended for people with extremely sensitive skin or conditions such as eczema or it can cause irritation or worsen the conditionsuggests Molinari. When used for the first time it is a good idea start with small doses, as with any new skincare ingredient.

“Those who want to incorporate it into their care routine should know that it is important to start with low concentrations to allow the skin to gradually adapt to the treatment. It is recommended to use products with salicylic acid on the cleaning stage or as topicals: creams, lotions or gels, for example. There is something very important to keep in mind: It is crucial to use sunscreen daily, since salicylic acid can increase sensitivity to the sun,” warns Molinari.

It is essential to respect the instructions for use of each product and not use more quantities or times than stipulated on the label or by the specialist. Its application must be carried out at night to prevent “The sun can cause spots or redness,” indicates Furlan. It should not be used if the skin is inflamed, irritated, has an infection or any type of redness. It should also not be combined with soaps or abrasive cleaners; products containing alcohol; other medications that are applied to the skin such as benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, or retinoids. It must be taken into account that it cannot be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In the office

One of the treatments in which it is most used is chemical peeling. “This is a technique that consists of the application of products that fulfill the function of regenerating and repairing the skin. This treatment produces peeling of the skin and then renews it, in a procedure that sensitizes the skin,” explains Furlan. In addition to using on the face, they can also be used on the body, but in different concentrations depending on the skin type of each area. The skin on your face is not the same as that on your legs or hands. The one on the body is thicker. “This asset Helps dissolve skin debris that clogs pores and causes acne. “It promotes antibacterial activity and eliminates excess accumulated sebum.” That’s why medical consultation is essential so that the professional can study the patient’s skin and define the best treatment.

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