New attempt to ban the Rosario de Ferraz for the conversion of Spain

New attempt to ban the Rosario de Ferraz for the conversion of Spain

The Government Delegation in Madrid has announced the prohibition of praying the Rosary of Ferraz, an initiative of Catholic lay people to pray for the conversion of Spain, on June 8 and 9, alleging that the days of prayer are celebrated on those days. reflection and vote corresponding to the European elections.

The decision has been made by the Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid for those two days, given that it is the body in charge due to the electoral call to renew the European Parliament.

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José Andrés Calderón, promoter of Rosario de Ferraz, explains to ACI Prensa that he is going to file an appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid because “a rally cannot be prohibited on a day of reflection and election unless it is an electoral event.”

The jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court maintains that the mere fact that both election days are held does not justify the suspension of the right of assembly.

According to ruling 96/2010 of November 15 of the Constitutional Courtin its third legal basis, “only when well-founded reasons are provided, in the expression used by art. 21.2 CE, on the electoral nature of the demonstration, that is, when its purpose is to capture votes (art. 50.2 LOREG)… it may be disallowed based on said reason.”

Furthermore, the ruling establishes that “the exercise of the right of assembly, of which the right to demonstrate is one aspect, must prevail, unless it is sufficiently accredited by the Administration and, where appropriate, by the Courts, that the main purpose of the call is to attract of votes.”

Although it is true that the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG) establishes, during the day of holding the elections and the previous day of reflection, the prohibition of requesting the vote or making electoral propaganda, the Constitutional Court explains which is no reason to prohibit any meeting:

“This legal prohibition does not naturally mean that during the so-called day of reflection prior to the elections no demonstration can be held whose object has something to do with the political debate and, therefore, could indirectly influence the decisions of the voters. Well, taking into account the nature of the public and collective exhibition of ideas, opinions or demands that is inherent to the exercise of the right of assembly, it is elementary that, in principle, every meeting or demonstration can be connected ultimately, and even remotely, with the political debate and, therefore, with the decisions of the voters. So, if we accept such an approach, we would thereby reach the absurdity of admitting the prohibition of any meeting or demonstration for the simple fact that it is such and coincides with the day of reflection prior to an election.”

Calderón: “We will disobey all openly tyrannical prohibitions”

Consequently, Calderón maintains “we are facing a new attack by the Government Delegate. Now he intends to shield himself from the Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid, with an alleged agreement of which I have not even been notified, to prohibit us from praying again.”

“However,” he adds with conviction, “they can send a hundred vans from the UIP (Anti-Riot Unit of the National Police), fine me or accuse me of an electoral crime… but we Catholics will be praying on June 8 and 9.”

Calderón also details the nature of the call he leads: “We pray in defense of our faith and to ask the Virgin that the message of her Son become present again in our hearts. “We will disobey all openly tyrannical prohibitions that violate our right to pray.”

For the promoter of Rosario de Ferraz, “it is an absolute botch and a legal nonsense that only seeks to gag us. But they forget that a Catholic should only fear God if he does not live in grace.”

In his opinion, “there is not a single legal argument that justifies why we are not authorized to pray. We have not been informed or allowed to allege anything about the agreement of the Electoral Board. Catholics in Spain are being persecuted by figures who use all the means at their disposal to prohibit us from praying in abortion clinics and on the stairs of a Sanctuary. “They are not imbeciles and they know the power of prayer.”

Prohibitions and fines for the Rosario de Ferraz

It is not the first time that the authorities have tried to prevent the celebration of the Ferraz Rosary, which has been held since November 12, 2023 on the steps of the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary every afternoon from 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. .

At the end of November, the Government Delegation announced that it was prohibiting calls to pray on November 27, 28 and 29, which was responded to with the massive presence of Catholics who defended the right of assembly and religious freedom. Although in those days the Police said that they were going to propose Calderón for sanction, no files have been opened.

However, recently, he has received fines for a total amount of 3,600 euros “for “disobedience and resistance to authority” referring to January 2, 3 and 4, 2024.

According to the sanctioning files, Calderón would have encouraged or participated in the blocking of traffic routes near the Sanctuary after the prayer of the Holy Rosary, the celebration of which would have served as an “excuse for the political protest” that has continued in the place since last December 3. November uninterruptedly, given the proximity of the national headquarters of the Governing Spanish Socialist Workers Party due to its agreements after the general elections last July 2023.

Calderón has categorically denied these accusations, supporting his statements in media recordings from those days.

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