Native Vocations Day: 725 seminars in mission lands

Native Vocations Day: 725 seminars in mission lands

This Sunday the Catholic Church celebrates Native Vocations Day to support and form those who feel called to the priesthood and consecrated life in mission lands, so that none are frustrated due to lack of resources.

The Pontifical Society of Saint Peter the Apostle (OSPA) is in charge of this task, one of the four Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) that in different ways obtains resources to maintain 725 seminaries around the world.

In Asia, these seminaries (152 minor, 13 propaedeutic and 62 major) host more than 15,000 candidates for the priesthood. In Africa more than 67,000 seminarians are part of the 225 minor, 116 propaedeutic and 142 major seminaries. In Asia, thanks to the OMP, 112 future priests are trained in 5 major seminaries, while in the mission lands of America, 157 seminarians are trained distributed in 1 minor seminary, 2 propaedeutics and 7 major seminaries, according to data offered by the OMP.

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