Moving Pope Francis’s response to a wife injured by the betrayal of her husband

Pope Francis directed an emotional and hopeful letter to Catia, an Italian woman who, after the betrayal of her husband, went to the Holy Father in search of strength to forgive and heal her marriage.

San Pietro squarethe new Magazine of the factory of San Pedro, published the sincere correspondence between the Holy Father and Catia, that “with tears in her eyes,” he says how her husband betrayed her for more than a year with a younger woman.

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Despite the “immense pain,” he says he tried to put his marriage in the first place and rebuild trust and hope, “asking the Holy Spirit” to give him strength to forgive. I feel “wounded, deceived, humiliated and lost.”

Amid despair, Catia asks the Holy Father how to find strength to forgive and separate from his heart the memory of everything her husband did. “I would only like a sign, something that makes me understand that forgiving the unforgivable is the right thing, that I have not lost my dignity and that God is by my side and holds me.”

In his answer, Pope Francis remembers that “Jesus, in the Gospel, urges always forgiving” and cites his apostolic exhortation Love happinessin which he recalls that love “goes beyond justice and overflows for free, because we have received and free of charge.”

“There are situations in which separation is inevitable”

Next, he remarks that “forgiveness is a free and personal act that finds its strength in the spirit, in the grace and in the love of God”, and stresses that the gift of forgiveness is different “of the positive dynamics of a marriage relationship.”

In this sense, he insists that it is “important to differentiate the personal path of forgiveness, that heals wounds and releases from resentment, from the marriage evaluation of coexistence in charity and truth. The latter has its own autonomy, regardless of the ability to forgive. ”

Returning again to Love happinessPope Francis affirms that the consideration of one’s dignity and the good of the children “imposes establishing a firm limit to the excessive demands of the other”, while recognizing that “there are situations in which the separation is inevitable”, and even “morally necessary.”

Forgiving is the right thing, although “it is not the only thing to do”

The Holy Father confirms to Catia that, indeed, forgiving is the right thing, although he says that “it is not the only thing to do.” Therefore, he recommends rereading the fourth chapter of Amoris Laetitia and emphasizes that “love in marriage must always be strengthened, looking at Jesus, Mary, to the anthem of the charity of St. Paul. If there is love, love is able to be patient, rebuild, repair. ”

He also advises to ask her husband to undertake together “an accompaniment path”, participating in meetings where marriages in crisis, or looking for psychological advice or support. “Maybe this is the sign that seeks,” he says.

A real marriage conversion

Pope Francis ensures that they can live a “authentic marriage conversion”, although it can be “a path with obstacles.” “With prayer and forgiveness, which build and reinforce the conversion of each one, good grows and can overcome any evil.”

“Nothing is impossible for God. Hopefully her husband accepts this new path, because – if there is love in a couple – love can heal any wound and make marriage reborn. I will pray for you, Catia, and for your marriage. ”Concludes Pope Francis.

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