Motorcycle fever at night in Termas de Rio de Hondo and a millionaire economic impact

Motorcycle fever at night in Termas de Rio de Hondo and a millionaire economic impact

The imposing autodrome is about 10 kilometers from the tourist city par excellence of the province of Santiago del Estero. The community is ready to receive approximately 60,000 visitors, which are also distributed in the capital city and in San Miguel de Tucumánequidistant of both. MotoGP It is the largest tourist event of the year for the region.

During the day, the axis focuses on the circuit, which houses the crowd for each of the sessions of all the disciplines that make up the MotoGP world. Already with the culminated activity, the public returns to the city, and there begins another show, as particular as unique.

The sunset yields to the artificial lights and the center, in the square in front of the Central Casino, takes a unique identity, with the arrival of the fans, which mostly arrive with their motorcycles, making the place a fabulous exposure of machines from all corners of the country and abroad as well.

There are codes that are respected. Among the crowd, which wanders the different machines, the most daring dare to “Burn rubber”. It consists of accelerated large, with the front wheel braking, so that the rear turns on the floor, burning the roof and generating a smoke that accompanies the shocking engine sound. The greater the power, the greater the public’s excitement.

While the rhythm of the city fits these patterns, A DJ raises the volume of music in the meantime. Some promoters dance in improvised stages making known the bowls of the place and the bars of the area exploit of people, transforming into the outstanding tribune of the particular show.

But Río Hondo Termas Not only is it shaken at night with the constant parade of motorcycles of various displacements. The numbers endorse.

“The record edition with MotoGP here was 90,000 people. We estimate that this year we will walk around “said Nelson Bravo, Undersecretary of Tourism of the province of Santiago del Estero to Clarín.

Now, such a panorama must translate into the economic. And there the official figures arise. “We estimate that this year we must have an impact of some of pesos only for the event. But the most important and the difficult thing to measure is the promotion of our city and the province for this international event, among the traditional media, social networks … ”, said the provincial official.

Of course The great theme that is on the mouth of everyone here is the continuity of the MotoGP, in Termas de Río Hondo, first, and in Argentina, secondly.

The interest of the Autodrome of the City of Buenos Aires is known to house the highest category of world motorcycling, and in fact embarks on a series of remodeling. But there is nothing closed yet.

“We know that in Buenos Aires there is a strong investment to take MotoGP, for example. According to what is raised it is by 2027. But it surpasses us, it is handled at another level. Our governor, Gerardo Zamora, is in permanent contact with Carmelo Ezpeleta (Mandamás de Dorna, a company that is in charge of MotoGP). Santiago del Estero has all the conditions to continue, since we do it with our own strength. If there is nation support, as there was inprotur at the time, welcome. But but we can manage it ”, Bravo explained.

“MotoGP is the main tourist event in the region. But this autodrome is not supported in this event. You must have many events, even if they are smaller, to be prosperous. In case MotoGP does not continue in Termas de Río Hondo, the Autodrome will continue with its activities. This autodrome is unique in Argentina. If Buenos Aires takes MotoGP, we will continue with our course “said the Undersecretary of Provincial Tourism.

Fabio Di Giannantonio. Photo: ap

“We constantly work on sports and tourism. River comes Wednesday to play for the Argentine Cup at the Mother Stadium of Cities, we have the BMX track, international hockey court where the lionesses play, among other activities. At the time we work to bring the Indy Car and it did not occur ”Bravo said.

In the talk provided with Clarion In the rest area of ​​the autodrome press room, the official shot: “What is clear is that if MotoGP goes to Buenos Aires it is because the national state intervenes for that. We do not eat the verse that with private capitals will only take it. That is impossible. ”

Beyond the future of MotoGP in Argentina (some argue that there will be a pause in 2026 and that in 2027 he would return to the country but in Buenos Aires in an alleged conjunction with the project of the return of Formula 1 to Gálvez), there is a different weekend to the rest of the year. With the passion for iron and motorcycle fans invading the thermal city.

Marc Márquez, the pilot to win

The Spanish Marc Márquez (Ducati) was the fastest in the two training sessions that took place on the first official activity day on the Grand Prix of the MotoGP Argentina, in the Termas Autodrome in Río Hondo, Santiago del Estero.

Márquez, who comes from winning on the opening date, in Thailand, scored 1m37s295/1000 and broke the record on the Santiago track. This Spanish does not travel this route, which also has the record of being the most winner in the specialty, with three victories.

In Moto2, Manu González (Kalex) was the fastest, while in Moto3 he also dominated the Spanish David Almansa, while the Argentine Valentín Perrone was in fourth place.

On Saturday the activity will continue, with training and classifications, while MotoGP will hold the Sprint race, about 12 laps, from 15. On Sunday, the final of the highest category will also begin at the same time.

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