More than 2 million Argentines made pilgrimages to the sanctuary of the Virgin of Luján

More than 2 million Argentines made pilgrimages to the sanctuary of the Virgin of Luján

“Mother, under your gaze we seek unity,” was the motto that mobilized more than 2.3 million faithful this weekend to the National Shrine in Argentina, within the framework of the 50th Youth Pilgrimage to Luján.

Coming from the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, organizer of the pilgrimage through the Popular Piety Commission, the pilgrims began to arrive in Luján during the day on Saturday, accompanied by a radiant sun during the more than 60 kilometers of route, and continued on Sunday.

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As they passed, they received the blessing of priests and the support of volunteers, along with the animation of musical groups from the different dioceses of western Buenos Aires.

Upon arriving at the Basilica of Luján, they were able to participate in the different celebrations of the Mass. The one on Sunday at 7:00 a.m., the central Eucharist of the multitudinous pilgrimage, was presided over by the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Mons. Jorge García Cuerva, who also arrived on foot from the Sanctuary of San Cayetano, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Liniers.

In your homilythe prelate addressed a few words to the Virgin of Luján: “Saying ‘Mother’ unites us; “There is the foundation to begin to build the long-awaited national unity,” he assured.

“Telling you Mother, Mom, makes us children and brothers. This is how we came on a pilgrimage. As a people, all so different, all so equal. We have traveled many kilometers, we have brought our intentions to Mary”, in an experience “with others”, and with “solidarity joy”.

Citing the “young people of 1975”, protagonists of the first Youth Pilgrimage to Luján, he expressed: “In every step we took up to this point we have experienced what it is to be a people that walks united towards its ideal of freedom and justice. And that’s why we came. “It is that we young people are understanding more and more that we are part of a people, the people of God in Latin America, whose hearts are the humble and the workers.”

“Mother, look at your tired people.”

At the feet of the Virgin, the archbishop referred to the situation in Argentina, with so many children “trapped by drugs,” others sick, young people “anguished by not being able to complete their life projects,” and those who “cannot finish.” of the month to feed their families.”

“Mother, look at your tired people, look at your people who are making a great effort to sustain themselves in hope, to put the Homeland on their shoulders and endure the crisis that has been going on for us for years,” he prayed. “Look at your pilgrim people, who come with all their intentions, with their wounds, and hopes.”

A call to humility “to build bridges”

The archbishop then noted the poverty figure corresponding to the first half of 2024 in Argentina: “In the face of crises, the wise look for solutions, the mediocre are guilty. There are many mediocre people who, faced with the lacerating and painful 52.9% poverty rate, began to look for culprits,” he indicated.

“From María’s house, we ask you: Please unite behind two or three important issues for all Argentines. Let us ask for the humility to work with others, to generate consensus and agreements and to build bridges because the bravest thing we can do is ask for help,” he urged.

“Let us not give up on being brothers, on seeking solutions together, on building a more just and fraternal Homeland, on freeing ourselves from prejudices, hatred and sterile confrontations, on continuing to entrust our lives to the Virgin of Luján,” he urged, ensuring that she “It encourages us to continue walking through life, tired, but not dejected, beaten, but with hope and without giving up.”

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