More than 160 thousand people, canoe rides and alligator meat at the most famous festival in Formosa

More than 160 thousand people, canoe rides and alligator meat at the most famous festival in Formosa

A new edition of “A Todo Cost”the mega festival organized by the municipality of Formosa, ended this Sunday, September 1, in a festive atmosphere alongside a crowd that took over the Paseo Ferroviario property -on the banks of the Paraguay River- and its surroundings.

According to the planners of the free event which lasted for three days, more than 160,000 people They came to enjoy the various cultural, gastronomic, recreational and sports activities.

The previous days the people had arrived in the capital of Formosa fairgrounds, merchants and athletes from the entire region and neighboring countries to live the multi-thematic experience that the event promised.

Furthermore, during Throughout the weekend, dozens of bands and musical artists performed recognized nationally, hundreds of local dancers y thousands of athletes who showed all their physical prowess.

The last night was crowned by the well-known tropical singer Mario Luiswhich gave the event a festive framework to the rhythm of his hits, as well as the songs from his memorable time in Aclamado Amistad, which made the audience vibrate.

On Sunday the tribute to Broncoled by El Semental, Activando Cumbia, Exportasamba, Ángela Garay, Acordeón Mix, among others.

Activities at the Formosa festival

  • These days of celebration were ideal to take advantage of the proposal of guided tours and photographic exhibitions “Urban Women” and “Paths of the Heart”, in the “Blanca Simonotto” Popular Library.
  • One of the sites open to visitors was the municipal Railway Museum, which belonged to the Railway and opened its doors five years ago, exhibiting files, objects, furniture and artifacts from the railway era.
Canoe rides along the Paraguay River and the Formosa Creek. Photo Press Municipality of Formosa
  • On the left esplanade of the local port, numerous adventurous families participated in the experience of the canoe ride in the waters of the imposing Paraguay River and a passage of the Formosa River. The circuit consisted of a long route of 1 km round trip, where the flora and fauna of Formosa could be appreciated from another perspective.

All local flavors

The gastronomy one of the strong dishes of “At All Costs”

As on previous occasions, the event had as its epicenter the Paseo Ferroviario, located meters from the city’s Waterfront. There, the great attraction was the gastronomic fairwhich housed a significant number of local merchants and entrepreneurs, with a varied range of products that ranged from traditional dishes to international culinary delights, which were distributed in more than 40 food stands and food trucks.

Without a doubt, with a cuisine that over the years was mixing the knowledge of the different Guaraní ethnic groups and Hispanic customs With seasonal fruits, meats and vegetables, the Formosa gastronomic offer crosses the tables of restaurants, hotels, festivals, bars, canteens and even reaches the street stalls, who sustain the culinary culture of the province.

For this reason, neighbors and tourists tasted the typical foods of the area with preparations based on corn flour and cheese, such as paraguayan soupthe chipa guazú -which has corn-, the stuffed one -with meat, vegetables or ham-, or the “fried” pacú, yacaré or surubícon cassava sticks and pickles several. Among the sweets, the crispy alfajores with cream and guava and mamón mousse are a must.

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