Mons. José Ignacio Munilla, Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante (Spain), has made the decision to abandon the continuous broadcast on YouTube “since it is a source of problems and does not address our complaints” and since this Sunday he is doing it through Twitch , the platform on which they succeed streamers like the Spanish Ibai Llanos.
This was announced last Saturday through a message sent to its information channel on WhatsApp. This decision does not imply the suppression of the YouTube channel I trust in youwhich was inaugurated on May 6, 2016, has 188,000 subscribers, has published nearly 3,600 videos and has accumulated more than 37 and a half million views.
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In the new Mons. Munilla’s continuous broadcast channel on Twitch It will have 24-hour programming in which you can find homilies, conferences, apologetic reflections or explanations of documents from the teachings of the Catholic Church, as well as information in Spanish EWTN News or the program Vatican of EWTN, founded by Mother Angelica.
In addition, the transmission of the Holy Mass, the recitation of the Angelus, the Rosary or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy cannot be missed.
Like your multimedia website, enticonfio.orgwhich he inaugurated in 2017, and the YouTube channel, Mons. Munilla’s Twitch presence bears the same name, I trust youejaculation addressed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that the prelate adopted as his motto upon achieving episcopal dignity in 2006.
Proof of this special devotion of the prelate is that on his pectoral cross, in addition to an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it contains a relic of Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque, the nun who received the revelation about this mystery 350 years ago.

Mons. Munilla, a bishop dedicated to social communications
Bishop José Ignacio Munilla has maintained a notable presence on the digital continent for years. Thus, he has a profile on different social networks such as X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Ivoox, Spotify, Flickr y TikTok.
In addition, over the years it has become a reference for Radio María España’s programming, where it has explained the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other catechisms such as YouCat (for young people) or DoCat (focused on Social Doctrine). of the church). Since October 2013, he has directed the Sixth Continent program, which he conducts every Monday and Friday where he presents comments on current events and doctrinal and apologetic reflections, as well as answering questions from the program’s followers.
Born in San Sebastián in 1961, he mainly completed his ecclesiastical studies at the Major Seminary of Toledo. He was ordained a priest in 1986 in San Sebastián. Two decades later he was named Bishop of Palencia and in 2009 he was named Bishop of San Sebastián, where he took possession on January 9, 2010. On February 12, 2022 he took possession of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante, suffragan of the Archbishopric From Valencia.
In the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) he has been a member of the Episcopal Commission for Consecrated Life (2006-2008); for Secular Apostolate (2008-2014), for Social Communication Media (2011-2020) and for Social Communications (since 2020).