Mons. García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires: “Malvinas, forever Argentines!”

Mons. García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires: “Malvinas, forever Argentines!”

The archbishop then drew a comparison between Easter and what happened on the islands: “Mary Magdalene looks out at the tomb and sees two angels dressed in white who are precisely the ones who ask her why she is crying. I encourage myself, in the context of this Mass, to make a free interpretation, and name these two angels: Gran Malvina and Soledad,” he began by telling her.

“From the South Atlantic, from the cold and the wind, we hear his voice: Argentina, why are you crying? But, just as those two men in white are an indication that something extraordinary and unthinkable had happened, that Jesus had risen and God defeated death forever, for us, remembering the Malvinas again is a source of hope and joy, of pride, heroism and sovereignty,” he reflected.

“To say Malvinas is to say national identity, to say homeland, to say history, present and future, to say fraternity because the cause of Malvinas unites us,” he assured.



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