The president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), Luis Argüello, urged Christians to be “signs and instruments of God’s mercy” at the end of the Congress of Vocations which has been held during this weekend in Madrid.
In the homily of the shipping mass that has marked the end of this great event promoted by the Spanish bishops, he asked to “row the sea towards the thickness of history” and also “to cross the difficulties and announce the kingdom of God” in all The environments, especially in the “work.”
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Because “if we go to the mission, we will find Jesus Christ in the face of the poor and hungry, who will invite us to turn our heart and to join our hands to fight against the politically correct and offer an anthropology of communion against the anthropology of the State that He wants to make his way between us, ”he added.
Also to the marriages that he defined as “that domestic church” that makes “the unique love that Christ has to his wife; The Church “.
Having emphasis on the character of union and fraternity, also the bishop of Valladolid said that all the faithful, lay and consecrated, are “together in the same boat” and urged them to be “signs and instruments of God’s mercy.”

Mons. Argüello referred to the helm, the anchor and the helmsman who are present in the great nave of the church.
“The helm leads us following the path of the word and tells us where to walk, and is also unique because it does not fix the boat, but gives it security to turbulence and opposite winds,” he explained.
He also said that “the anchor is the altar” and the helmsman, the “spear, that moves and keeps us firm pilgrimage and sailing.”
The president of the EEC resumed the motto of the Congress and asked: “Who am I?”
“For the Lord in the brothers. Here we are, sir, send us to do your will, ”he said.
In any case, he considered that sometimes you can “doubt” the forces and hope. If that happens, he explained, we must always go “to the anchor of our boat, which is Jesus Christ on the altar, because the anchor is the symbol of hope for the people of God.”
Hunger United Hands Campaign
The day coincided with the celebration of the United Manos Campaign against Hunger. Mons. Argüello invited to think about that cruel reality as a “summary of injustices.”
In hunger “economic inequalities, political injustices, natural disasters are concentrated,” he said.
A drama “that is caused by wars and an economy that kills, but also our insolvenience and our indifference,” he explained.
When referring to the campaign against hunger from the United Man The land that God has given us is a true home of families. ”
The urgency of promoting a vocational culture
Before the celebration of the final Eucharist of the Vocations Congress, the team formed by the psychologist, Alfonso Salgado, the journalist, María Ruíz, Raúl Tinajero, Luis Manuel Suárez, CFM, Juan Carlos Mateos, José María Calderón and Mons. Polishing that called the encounter as “a great feast of the spirit” since it has been experienced that every Christian vocation, assumed and delivered.
In this way, they stressed that the event was in itself a “message of joy for the Church and for the world, which sometimes shows an a-vocational or even anti-vocational face.”
“The mission is the heart of our identity,” they said in this last paper. “This way of understanding the mission has consequences, not outside of us, but in ourselves,” they added.
Thus they considered that every vocation “is born in God, touches the heart of the human being in a certain context, and is a call for the good of the world.”
With Christian discernment as a starting point, and before the more than 3,000 people who gathered in this appointment, they urged to “travel the path that goes from dreams to the challenges.”
They also reflected on how it can grow as a missionary church and called to “host the call and revive the concern for the gospel against disappointment.”
The vocational culture is characterized, according to the journalist and the psychologist, by the “announcement of the Gospel, the delivery of a Christian anthropology, life understood as call and service, where the openness and not self -referentiality prevails.”

“We make a call to the people of God to promote in the Church the vocational and missionary urgency,” said the speakers.
In addition, they emphasized the importance of “giving the pastoral a vocational soul and promoting a vocational organization of communion.”
During their speech, they stopped in the project, still in development, of a National Vocational Pastoral Service (SPVN) where the laity commission, that of the clergy, that of consecrated life, the Episcopal Commission of Misiones, confer and cedis, thus participate, so such as education and catechesis commissions.
On the other hand, they highlighted the “urgency” of carrying out this vocational journey because “vocational and missionary consciousness may be weakened in the Church.”
“This is an urgent commitment that today reaches our families, neighborhoods and parishes, towns and cities, congregations and apostolic institutions, diocese and ecclesial organisms, but, above all, it is a call to all who we have been able to live this feast of the spirit of the spirit ”, They concluded.