Mocking and the chilling details of the complaint against the Vélez players

Sebastian Sosa, Brian Cufre, Jose Florentin y Abiel Osorio They were detained in Tucumán by order of Eugenia Maria Posse, a prosecutor investigating them for alleged sexual abuse. In this context, Fernando Burlando (lawyer who will serve as civil representative of the victim in Buenos Aires) broke the silence after the decision made by Justice and explained how the case will continue.

“The lawyer gave chilling details about what happened in the hotel room: “There are many ugly things, like having left him money in your underwear. Although Vélez’s goalkeeper does not actively participate in the sexual abuse, he is the one who calls the ambush, so it will also be very difficult, although he appears to have less responsibility. But for the rest it will be a fight between what is consented and what is not consented.”

“I understand that she got very bad when the messages went viral, I don’t know if it was Sosa or whoever was responsible for leaking the messages, and that further enhanced her indignation,” the lawyer continued.

The crime is very serious because it is a sexual abuse aggravated by the plurality of those involved. When there are two or more people, that qualifies the figure and makes the minimum sentence set at eight years and the maximum at 20,” the lawyer confirmed in dialogue with Radio Mitre. Immediately afterwards, he sentenced: “What lies ahead for the accused is very hard, very hard“.

Following the same line, he explained: “That they were going to arrest them was a decision made“Everything depended on how the victim expressed himself in that procedure, and well, he expressed himself as he should have expressed himself: with the truth and added to the evidence that the prosecution already had.”

In turn, the renowned lawyer anticipated what could happen from now on with the four detainees. “I believe that by making a responsible analysis of the issue, Justice could generate some type of provisional freedomat least until there is a final rulingbut everything will depend on what happens in these 48 hours“he clarified.

Sosa would not have participated in the abuse but he was the one who made contact between the players and the journalist. Photo: courtesy of Juan Pablo Sanchez Noli / La Gaceta

Asked about the role that Sebastián Sosa would have occupied, the lawyer did not hesitate: “Although he does not actively participate in sexual abuse He is the one who calls the ambushso It’s going to be very difficult although it seems like less responsibility.“.

In this sense, he also referred to the procedural situation of the rest of those involved. “For the rest it will be a fight between what is consented and what is not consented, but the injuries recorded by the victim (…) They are verified and that breaks any type of alternative that it is something consensual“.

In closing, he confirmed that the case has plenty of material to move forward. “In addition to having a lot of scientific evidence, There are many that have to do with new technologies due to the messages on the platforms.“, he concluded.

Osorio, before being detained. Photo: courtesy of Juan Pablo Sanchez Noli / La GacetaOsorio, before being detained. Photo: courtesy of Juan Pablo Sanchez Noli / La Gaceta

Vélez suspended the contract of Sosa, Florentín, Osorio and Cufré

The four footballers (who were transferred to the Tucumán Police Investigation Brigade) they will stay there until Wednesdayat which time Lucas Taboada, judge in the case, will have to define whether he revokes the arrest request or extends it.

Once the Court’s decision was made clear, Velez (which had separated them from the squad since the complaint was made) published a statement to inform that “by virtue of the publicly known facts that involve the footballers of the professional squad, the club resolved the suspension of the contract of the four players“.

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