Miracle of Hiroshima: Jesuits survived the atomic bomb thanks to the Rosary

Miracle of Hiroshima: Jesuits survived the atomic bomb thanks to the Rosary

More than 140,000 people died on August 6, 1945 in the Japanese city of Hiroshima, during World War II, after the United States dropped the atomic bomb. Little Boy. In the midst of the devastation, the so-called Miracle of Hiroshima occurred, documented by historians and doctors.

That day the Feast of the Transfiguration was celebrated and four German Jesuit priests survived the radiation from the atomic bomb.

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The superior of the Society of Jesus in Japan, Hugo Lassalle, together with Hubert Schiffer; Wilhelm Kleinsorge and Hubert Cieslik were in the parish house of the church of Our Lady of the Assumption, one of the few buildings that survived the bomb.

At the time of the explosion, one of them was celebrating the Eucharist, another was having breakfast and the rest were in the parish offices.

According to what Father Hubert Cieslik himself wrote in his diary, they only suffered minor damage due to broken glass, but none as a result of the atomic energy released by the bomb.

Doctors told them that radiation would cause serious injury, illness, and even premature death.

The forecast never came true. They did not develop any disorder and in 1976, 31 years after the bomb was dropped, Father Schiffer went to the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia (United States) and told his story, where he confirmed that the four Jesuits were still alive and without no ailment.

They were examined by dozens of doctors about 200 times over the following years and no trace of radiation was found in their bodies.

The four religious never doubted that they had enjoyed the divine protection and intercession of the Virgin: “We lived the message of Fatima and prayed the Rosary together every day,” they explained.

In addition, Father Schiffer wrote the book “The Rosary of Hiroshima” where he narrates everything he experienced.

A few years ago, when celebrating another anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb, the Bishop of Niigata, Mons. Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi, spread a message in which he stressed that Japan can contribute to peace “not with new weapons, but with its activities.” of nobility and extensive history in global growth, particularly in those considered developing nations.”

The Prelate added that “with this contribution to development, which leads to the full respect and realization of human dignity, he would be highly appreciated and respected by the international community.” Every year, from August 5 to 15, the country celebrates a Prayer for Peace.

Three days after the Hiroshima tragedy, the United States dropped a second atomic bomb, this time on Nagasaki. Some 246,000 people died, half at the time of the bombs’ impact and the rest in the following weeks due to the effects of radiation.

The Hiroshima bomb was dropped on the day of the Solemnity of the Transfiguration of the Lord and Japan’s surrender occurred on August 15.

Originally published August 6, 2020. It has been updated for republication

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