Milei sent a letter to Lula

Diana Mondino arrived on Sunday (14) in Brasília with several objectives: one of them was to alleviate the strong differences and lack of relationship between Javier Milei and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The chancellor also seeks to fuel the bond with Brazil, Argentina’s main trading partner, with political and economic fuel.

In President Milei’s letter, which the chancellor delivered to minister Mauro Vieira, the centrality of the relationship between Argentina and Brazil stands out. Hours earlier, in a press conference with the minister, as part of a visit considered “very good” by the parties, Mondino said that the possibility of a meeting between the two presidents “is always present” and highlighted that “at some point it could happen “.

On Tuesday (16), Mondino was in São Paulo, with businesspeople, with an extensive bilateral agenda that, – as agreed with Vieira – advances despite the strong ideological differences between the two governments. The minister traveled accompanied by the Secretary of International Economic Relations, Marcelo Cima, and the Undersecretary of American Affairs, Mariano Vergara.

“Argentine-Brazilian relations are marked by the intensity of investment and trade flows; exchange of large numbers of tourists and students; and cooperation in strategic sectors such as defense, security, conventional and nuclear energy, science, technology and innovation”, said Itamaraty.

In the meeting with journalists and Vieira, Mondino was asked about the possibility of a presidential meeting. “The possibility of a meeting between President Milei and President Lula is always present, of course. We take into account the international agenda of both, which is quite complex, but yes, at some point we hope that this can happen”, she declared.

“The main message I would like to convey at this moment is the certainty we have of Brazil’s relevance to Argentina. Our bilateral relationship has become a true State policy”, observed Mondino.

The minister also spoke about Brazil’s participation in the construction of the second phase of the Vaca Muerta gas pipeline, which begins in Argentine Patagonia and will reach the Brazilian border. But there are no definitions because the Argentine government has suspended a large part of public works.

“Users are in Brazil, production is in Argentina”, therefore “there is an alignment of interests”, said Mondino, and stated that it is “a highly complex topic” that “is discussed and has advanced on several fronts”.

Itamaraty said in a statement that Mondino ratified, in a meeting with Brazilian vice-president Geraldo Alckmin, that “Argentina considers Brazil a strategic partner and a brotherly country, and that the union between the two peoples, through deep ties cultural and social issues that have historical roots, goes beyond the occasional governments of both nations”.

According to a note from the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Mauro Vieira, “the ministers talked about improving border infrastructure, cooperation in the area of ​​energy and defense, strengthening the Paraguay-Paraná navigable waterway and the integration of the two countries ”.

“Ministers decided to continue negotiations to regulate border crossing points in a coordinated manner and thus optimize their functioning. Furthermore, Mondino expressed Argentine interest in establishing a specific bilateral mechanism for permanent dialogue and bilateral cooperation on river issues that allows for better use of shared water resources,” Mondino’s ministry said in turn.

The diplomats also discussed the great complementarity that exists between the two countries’ gas resources and the needs of Brazil’s productive sectors.

Also on the agenda were logistical and scientific cooperation in Antarctica, the peaceful uses of energy and nuclear technology, space cooperation, the modernization of Mercosur and regional integration.

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