Milei gains support from Bullrich who she had called a ‘murderer’

The now former presidential candidate Patricia Bullrich, from the Together for Change coalition (Juntos por el Cambio), declared, this Wednesday, support for her opponent in the first round, Javier Milei, from A Liberdade Avança. “Milei managed to capitalize on the vote of younger people and we must recognize that we failed in this,” said Bullrich, alongside his former vice-candidate, Luis Petri.

Bullrich and Petri argued that their campaign proposal was for change and that Milei will now represent them in the second round of the election, which will be held on November 19th.

“20 years ago, Kirchnerism plunged the country into decadence. Argentina needs changes and that’s why we support Milei’s candidacy,” she said. When asked by journalists at the press conference, Bullrich added that she and Milei “forgave each other”. In the first round campaign, before the vote on Sunday (22), he called her a “murderer” and accused her of having placed “bombs in kindergartens” during the period when she was a guerrilla fighter, in the seventies. In an interview, days before the first round vote, he expanded his statements, saying that Bullrich had been a “terrorist” and that he should explain the compensation he would receive from the State (for having been persecuted by the military dictatorship of that period).

Shortly after Bullrich’s press conference, Milei posted a photo of a lion and a duck hugging on her X account. He defines himself as a feline and her nickname is ‘Duck’, given the name Patrícia.

Milei, Bullrich and former president Mauricio Macri had dinner on Tuesday when, according to advisors, “they got things right.” But the split in the Together for Change coalition, which had been dragging on since the first round, became even more evident. And members of the coalition began to declare their disagreements through their networks. One politician even wrote: “Sad day. And Together for Change confirms that it is Together for Cargo.” It is speculated that in exchange for supporting the ‘libertarian’ presidential candidate, Macri and Bullrich could have positions in his eventual government, if he is elected in the dispute with the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, from the Union for the Fatherland. The split also began to be expressed, on social media, on the basis of A Liberdade Avança.

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