Milei criticizes United Nations for “socialist agenda”

In a speech that lasted around 15 minutes, Milei criticized the United Nations, the 2030 Agenda and ratified Argentina’s “disconnection” from the Future Summit, which highlights concerns about climate change, the eradication of poverty and defends equality of gender. In his speech at the United Nations Assembly, Milei said that the UN is “incapable” and “powerless” to find solutions to global conflicts.

Milei spoke a few hours after President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva. Traditionally, the president of Brazil delivers the opening speech at the meeting. Lula, unlike Milei, also spoke at the Future Summit and once again defended, at the UN General Assembly, social inclusion and the fight against hunger and all forms of discrimination. And, in his own way, he also criticized the organization. Lula defended the reform of the UN, “increasingly emptied and paralyzed”. He ratified an old demand from Brazil regarding the need to reform the UN Security Council, which is made up of 15 members, but five of them are permanent and have the right to veto (China, the United States, France, the United Kingdom and Russia).

With the fires that ravage several regions of Brazil and the recent tragic floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Lula said that the world needs to be more concerned about the effects of the climate. In her speech, Milei said that the UN seeks to impose a “socialist agenda” and stated that the organization has become a “Leviathan with multiple tentacles”.

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