Miami Archbishop: Baptism is a yes to God that we have to live for a lifetime

Miami Archbishop: Baptism is a yes to God that we have to live for a lifetime

Baptism “implies a ‘metanoia’ that is, a conversion of life: that is, a ‘yes’ that we have homily.

On the occasion of the rite of election, ceremony in which the catechumenos that will receive the sacraments of Christian initiation in the Pascual vigil participate, the prelate explained that “Jesus for being human as us was tempted – but did not sin. And through baptism, dying with Christ and resurrecting with him in baptismal waters, he forgives our sins and gives us a new life. ”

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“Baptism is a gift, because it makes us friends of God – but this friendship implies a ‘yes’ to the friend – and a ‘no’ to everything that is incompatible with this friendship,” said Mons. Wenski before the faithful gathered in the Cathedral of Santa Maria in Miami, on March 9, in a homily in which the English alternated with the Spanish ..

The Archbishop also recalled that “because he was truly human, like us, Jesus was tempted; But unlike us, he didn’t sin. ”

“The saints are friends of God”

“Precisely because he shared our fight against temptations, we can participate in his victory over sin, death and devil. And this is what baptism promises us: because if the pay of sin is death, in baptism we die with Christ to sin, so that, freed from Satan’s traps, we can resurrect with him a new life. ”

The prelate also told the catechumens that “today you are registered in the number of the chosen ones, those chosen to become friends with Christ. With your registration in the book of the chosen ones, you are saying that you want to be saints. ”

“The word ‘saint’ simply means ‘sacred’. In Creole Haitiano, the language in which I preached daily for almost twenty years, ‘holy’ translates as ‘Zanmi Bondye’, a friend of God. This is a beautiful translation, and I must add, very appropriate, since the saints are friends of God, and only who is holy can claim to be a friend of God. ”

Mons. Wenski ‘thus remembered the deep affection and concern he experienced for Haitian Catholics since the beginning of his priestly ministry, in 1976, which led him to travel briefly to Haiti to learn more about his culture, and to devote himself to the pastoral care of Haitian immigrants in Miami until advanced the 1990s.

The conversion “does not end with baptism”

“The conversion,” he added, “means turning to the Lord and getting away from sin. But this does not end with baptism; As Catholics, we believe that conversion is the work of our life. ”

Mons. Wenski recalled that “in the desert, Jesus says no to Satan and his false promises of power, pleasure and wealth. And, before they make their profession of faith the night of Holy Saturday, they will be asked to renounce Satan and all their works and all their empty promises. ”

“As Jesus prayed and fasted for 40 days, Lent also has to be for us a time of prayer and fasting, so that when Holy Saturday arrives, you will be ready for your sins to be forgiven in the waters of baptism,” he said.

“Keep firm in prayer in the various quarters so that they can say ‘yes’ to God and pilgrimage for this land as friends of Christ and members of his Catholic Church,” said the prelate at the end of his homily, encouraging not being afraid of “living according to the good news of Jesus.”

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