Mexico: Alert about subject who falsely presents himself as a Jesuit

Mexico: Alert about subject who falsely presents himself as a Jesuit

The Society of Jesus issued an alert about a person who “falsely presents himself as a Jesuit” in the Mexican state of Puebla, distancing itself from “any activity or clarification carried out by this person in his name.”

According to a message shared on their social networks, the Jesuits of Mexico reported that this person offers religious services using a “false credential.”

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Father Sergio Ángel Galindo Pérez, spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Puebla, confirmed to ACI Prensa that since 2021 there had already been alerts about this individual, who has been offering religious services in several regions of Puebla, including Santa María Zacatepec, Coronango and Cholula. .

The danger of “false priests”

Father Galindo Pérez pointed out that “the phenomenon has been verified, both in Puebla and in other states of the Mexican Republic, of the presence of false priests.” These people, indicated the spokesperson for the archdiocese, are usually found in “funeral homes, markets, private homes and other places where, in fact, it is prohibited to celebrate the Eucharist, such as party halls, gardens, etc.”

The spokesperson warned that “these false priests blend in” with true Catholic priests by copying “vestments, liturgical books and rites of the Catholic Church, but without being ministers of it, and worst of all, without having received the sacrament of priestly orders.” ”.

Furthermore, he indicated that the sacraments they administer “are also false,” so he compared the “real risk of going to a false doctor to receive adequate treatment,” with that of going to a “false priest, who lacks scruples and is capable of deceiving the noble faith of the parishioners.”

How to identify false priests?

To help the faithful identify “a Catholic priest from an impostor,” Father Galindo pointed out that a validly ordained Catholic priest “has all the documentation issued by the diocesan curia, which attests to his ordination.” However, he also warned about the possibility of credential falsifications.

Likewise, he pointed out that, although some people present themselves as missionaries or members of religious congregations, “there cannot be in any case lazy clerics.” Therefore, he said all identification must be issued by a diocese, archdiocese or recognized religious community.

Furthermore, he mentioned that true priests can be located in specific places such as parishes, rectories, seminaries or in some diocesan pastoral facilities, while “a false priest provides his service in secret,” in places such as private homes or funeral homes, “but They never reside in churches.”

Father Galindo Pérez also stressed that the charitable works carried out by the Catholic Church “are always verifiable, with real names and addresses,” such as Cáritas de Puebla or the Food Bank. In contrast, false priests often ask for “financial contributions” without providing verifiable information about their supposed charitable works.

Likewise, the priest highlighted that true ministers are “in communion with their bishop and with the teachings of the Church and the Pope.” Those who do not obey the ecclesiastical authorities or the Pope may be outside the Church and their teachings may “create serious doctrinal confusion in those who listen to them.”

On the other hand, he mentioned that the documents issued by priests are issued in the parish offices, where, “like true notaries, the books of sacraments are carefully kept.”

Father Galindo Pérez concluded by emphasizing the importance of “sacramental secrecy,” so “a priest can never reveal the secret of confession.”

On the other hand, a false priest “could give advice that is foreign to Christian sentiment, which could result in some moral damage for the person; Furthermore, no one guarantees that he will reveal the things entrusted to him in a false administration of the sacrament of confession.”

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