Brothers, despite our unworthiness, our continuous ingratitude, let us always respond with generosity: “Lord, you know that I love you.” Because, by responding in this way, we replicate in our lives the attitude of the Israelites, who remained “prostrate” in front of the entrances to their tents, when the Glory of God descended on them (v. 10). In this attitude of adoration, let us show ourselves docile to the motions of his Spirit, who like the cloud of fire guides our walk in this desert (cf. Ex 40:37).
How sad it would be if every Good Friday our hearts simply remained “balconying” a curious scene, without prostrating before the passage of Jesus, without feeling like Peter his invitation to follow him (cf. Jn 21:19). What a pity if we did not understand that it is by grasping His Cross that we are able to walk with Him, and we did not perceive that it is He who bears this yoke so that we can find our rest.
Brothers, today the Lord comes, like every year, like every moment, to meet us, let us follow him, carrying him on our shoulders, comforting him in the open wound of our suffering brothers. Let us ask him to show us how we should “glorify God” with our lives, making our service praise, in daily work, in the family, in the commitment to create a more fraternal society, in short, in the testimony of good that all we can give, regardless of the vocation to which we have been called (cf. Jn 21:19).