Martín Valverde reports the death of his son Pablo on June 22, 2024

Martín Valverde reports the death of his son Pablo on June 22, 2024

The famous Catholic singer-songwriter Martín Valverde reported this Saturday, June 22, of the death of his son Pablo, who in June of last year had been diagnosed with leukemia, a type of blood cancer.

“With the mix of feelings that these moments cause in our lives, we share with you that our son Pablo has lived his Easter today and is now with Jesus in his father’s house,” Martín Valverde wrote in his Instagram account. red social X (formerly Twitter).

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“The pain is present, but it surrounds it with hope, from the bottom of my heart, total thanks to those who prayed and did everything to support them. God bless you, this soldier finally rests,” he added.

Martín Valverde concluded his publication with the biblical quote from 2 Timothy 4:7-8: “I have fought the good fight to the end, I concluded my race, I kept the faith. And the crown of justice is already prepared for me, which the Lord, as a righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not only to me, but to all those who have waited with love for the Manifestation of him.

A few years ago, in 2017, the famous singer-songwriter of songs like “Nobody loves you like me” suffered a serious car accident with his wife Elizabeth (Lizzy) and his son Pablo, who was seriously affected.

On that occasion, Martín Valverde asked for prayers for the recovery of his youngest son, who bore the brunt of the accident.

Originally from Costa Rica, Martín Valverde currently lives in Guadalajara (Mexico). His other two children with Martín Gerardo and Daniela.

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