Marian Prayer for the Saturday before Christmas

Marian Prayer for the Saturday before Christmas

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

Grant to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and to our Archbishop (the name of the local archbishop or bishop is said) life and health, and renew them in their ministry and in their holiness of life.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

Enlighten the minds of rulers in the search for the common good, peace and reconciliation.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

Enlighten the minds and hearts of the powerful and stop wars in the world.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

Hear the cry of those who suffer, the prayer of those persecuted because of their faith, the invocation of innocent victims.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

Guide to conversion those who have distanced themselves from you.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

Show the light of your face to those who seek you with sincerity of heart.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

Help us, our Mother, to make our home like that of Nazareth, a cenacle of communion in love.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

For vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Send, Lord, workers to your harvest.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.

May every Christian strive to make their faith grow and may your Holy Spirit preserve forever the holy doctrine of the Church.

R. May your Holy Mother intercede for them.


We take refuge under your protection,
Holy Mother of God;
don’t throw away the supplications
that we direct you in our needs;
but always deliver us from all danger,
oh, glorious and blessed Virgin.


Oh God, you who have revealed to the world
between the arms of the Virgin Mother to your Son,
glory of Israel and light of the people,
make it in Mary’s school
let us learn to adhere to the Lord Jesus
and let us recognize in Him the only Savior
of the world, yesterday, today and always.
He lives and reigns forever.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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