Lula and Boric, 20 signed agreements and guitar autographed by Caetano Veloso

Lula and Boric, 20 signed agreements and guitar autographed by Caetano Veloso

The two presidents showed “in tune” during Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s first state visit to Chile since Gabriel Boric took office in March 2022.

This was a visit expected by the different Chilean political sectors and the business sector. Initially, Lula’s trip would be in May, but it was postponed due to the flood catastrophe in Rio Grande do Sul.

With a 40-year age difference and differing opinions on regional issues, as in the case of Venezuela, the two presidents found common ground. For example, the opportunity for the bilateral agenda to be intensified in several fields – trade, science, culture, security, among others. Among the 19 agreements signed is the partnership for cooperation in the space sector for peaceful purposes, which provides for the exchange of information in science, technology and innovation. “There is no activity today that does not require space infrastructure. Communications, energy generation, navigation and even combating climate change depend greatly on space,” said Lula.

According to sources, Lula and Boric may have even spoken about the situation in Venezuela, in the private meeting they had, but “nothing affected the harmony between them”. Under Lula’s command, Brazil has sought to fulfill the role of moderator in the face of the dispute over who won the Venezuelan election – Nicolás Maduro was declared president-elect, to take office in January, with 80% of the results. The announcement began to be questioned by the opposition, led by María Corina Machado and candidate Edmundo González Urrutía.

On his social network X, Boric was one of the first presidents in the region to question Maduro’s new election for a third consecutive presidential term. He wrote that it was “hard to believe” the result. Lula, in turn, maintained his pragmatic style. Former chancellor Celso Amorim was envoy from the Brazilian government to Caracas and followed the electoral journey. Soon after, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico requested the minutes confirming Maduro’s election. The three countries have not yet recognized his election. And now the expectation is for a possible phone call (if Maduro agrees) between the Venezuelan, Lula, the Colombian Gustavo Petro and the Mexican Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

Lula and Boric’s positions are, therefore, different in relation to Venezuela. But this divergence did not contaminate the meeting and the harmony between them, said sources who attended the presidential visit. They met at the La Moneda presidential palace and “built a very positive and admiring relationship”, they said. In his statements in Santiago, Lula noted that different views do not get in the way – on the contrary. And he justified respect for tolerance and popular sovereignty as the reasons for defending the transparency of results in Venezuela. “The commitment to peace is what leads us to call on the parties to dialogue and promote understanding between the government and opposition,” said Lula.

Lula’s state visit included a dinner at the residence of the Brazilian ambassador in Santiago, Paulo Roberto Soares, a key element for the Brazilian president’s visit, with the presence of Boric and former president Michelle Bachelet. Boric is a fan of Caetano Veloso and, in the past, went to the artist’s show at the Teatro Municipal de Santiago. Caetano thanked him for his presence and defined him as “the hope of the Latin American left”. Boric was surprised by Lula who gave him a guitar autographed by Caetano. In the photo, with the guitar, the two are smiling – political differences will continue to exist, but mutual respect gained ground during this visit, witnesses said.

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