Lord of Miracles 2024: Routes and dates of the processions in Peru

Last Thursday, at a press conference, the days on which the traditional processions will be held in honor of the Lord of Miracles, one of the most multitudinous and appreciated devotions in Peru, were announced in the streets of the historic center of Lima.

“The wait is shortened, hearts beat again with emotion, there is no Peruvian who does not feel the color purple, the songs, the burning candles, the processional marches as something deeply personal, let us unite and implore his holy blessing, the Lord of the Milagros meets us again,” the Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles of Nazarenas indicated on their social networks.

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Mons. Carlos Castillo, Archbishop of Lima, has invited all parishes, communities, schools, jobs and homes to enshrine the image of Cristo Moreno in the first week of October.

“The Purple Month implies paying attention to what, from faith, we can communicate to our people in specific circumstances. The Lord, who walks slowly in the middle of the streets, teaches us to see people’s problems and their difficulties in the long term. We must always act for the common good and not for the good of our own interests,” the prelate indicated at the press conference.

Processions in October

The General Steward of the Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles, José Luis Toledo Zapata, revealed during the press conference the dates and routes of the processions.

On Saturday, October 5, the Lord of Miracles will travel along Avenida Tacna, Avenida Emancipación, and the Chancay and Conde de Superunda streets, before returning to the Sanctuary of the Nazarenes along Tacna Avenue.

On Friday, October 18, he will tour Avenida Tacna, Jr. Ica and Jr. de la Unión, entering the Plaza de Armas to pay tribute to the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, the Government Palace and the Archbishop’s Palace. Then, you will continue your way along Jr. Carabaya, Jr. Ucayali, Avenida Abancay, Jr. Junín, Jr. Huanta, Jr. Ancash, Jr. Manuel Pardo and Jr. Junín, until you reach the Church of Carmen de Lima, where will spend the night.

On Saturday, October 19, the image will travel through Jr. Huánuco, Jr. Puno and Jr. Antonio Bazo, entering the Dos de Mayo Hospital. Later, you will take Jr. Antonio Bazo and Avenida Grau again, visiting the Almenara Hospital. Then, you will return to Avenida Grau, Avenida Nicolás de Piérola, Jr. Andahuaylas —to visit the Santa Catalina church—, Jr. Inambari, Avenida Nicolás de Piérola, Avenida Abancay, Jr. Leticia, Avenida Zavala Loayza, Jr. Miguel Aljovín, Avenida Paseo de la República, and finally, you will enter the Palace of Justice. Then, you will return along Avenida Paseo de la República and Jr. Carabaya, bordering Plaza San Martín to take Avenida Nicolás de Piérola and, finally, Avenida Tacna, entering the Church of the Nazarenas.

On Monday, October 28, the Christ of Pachacamilla will travel along Avenida Tacna, Avenida Nicolás de Piérola, Jr. Cañete, and Avenida Alfonso Ugarte, entering the Loayza Hospital. Afterwards, he will return to Avenida Alfonso Ugarte, Avenida Venezuela, Jr. Varela, Avenida Bolivia and Avenida Garcilazo de la Vega, before returning to Avenida Tacna to enter the Church of the Nazarenas.

Finally, on Friday, November 1, the Cristo Moreno will travel along Avenida Tacna, Jr. Callao, Jr. Chancay, Avenida Emancipación and, to conclude, it will return to Avenida Tacna to enter the Convent of the Nazarenas.

Masses at the Las Nazarenas Sanctuary

The Archbishop of Lima reported that in the Sanctuary of the Nazarenes, where the image of Cristo Moreno is kept, Masses will be celebrated every day of October at these times: 6:00 am, 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 10 :30 am, 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm (local time).

The sanctuary’s opening hours will be Monday to Sunday from 5:45 am to 10:00 pm The Holy Rosary will be at 6:30 pm and confessions every day from 8:00 am

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