Loan Case: Archbishopric warns of people with habits who are not from the Catholic Church of Pope Francis

Given some queries linked to the presence of people with religious habit in public expressions requesting the appearance of Loan, the 5-year-old boy who was wanted two weeks ago in the Argentine province of Corrientes, the local Archbishopric clarified that they are not members of the Church Catholic led by Pope Francis.

From disappearancewhich occurred on June 13, intense searches are being carried out in the area, and federal security forces are working to find the whereabouts of the child, amid suspicion of a case of human trafficking.

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In the following days, the media traveled to the town of Nueve de Julio, in Corrientes, where the population lives in a state of dismay over what happened, and mobilizes daily in the town square to ask for the appearance of the child.

In this context, some television images reflected the presence of people dressed in blue habits and a white cord as a belt, apparently religious.

For this reason, the Archbishopric of Corrientes communicated that “said group, whose actions were publicly warned in 2014, does not belong to the secular or regular clergy, nor to the Consecrated Life present in this Archdiocese, which is in communion with the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. , which is presided over by Pope Francis, and which is present in Corrientes in the person of Archbishop Andrés Stanovnik and Bishop (Auxiliary) José Adolfo Larregain”.

In December 2013, also through a statementthe Archdiocese of Corrientes and the Dioceses of Goya and Santo Tomé, all located in the province of Corrientes, had warned about “the actions of ministers of a church, which presents itself as old-Catholic, old-dox, or also as a dissident Catholic church, whose identifying logo includes the following legend: ‘Argentine-non-Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.'”

“This Church is outside the Apostolic and Roman Catholic Church, and its ministers are not in communion with our Churches, they do not obey Pope Francis, although they say they pray for him,” they had clarified then.

Given possible “confusion and disorder” due to the similarity of symbols, rites and celebrations, they warned the faithful “to refrain from participating in the celebrations carried out by the ministers of said church in family homes, so that we remain united in the faith that our parents transmitted to us.”

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