Let us not be afraid to go to Confession, archbishop of Arequipa encourages Catholics

An archbishop encouraged the Catholic faithful not to be afraid to attend the sacrament of Confession or Reconciliation as many times as necessary, confident that Jesus “is always ready to forgive us.”

This was indicated by Mons. Javier del Río Alba, Archbishop of Arequipa (Peru), in an article titled “Forgiven!”, sent to ACI Prensa this Saturday, September 14, the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

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“Jesus, the Son of God, has come into this world freely and has assumed our human nature so that he could die on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins. The death of Jesus is the incontestable and definitive proof of the infinite and unconditional love that God has for us,” the prelate highlighted.

After pointing out that in the resurrection of Jesus, “our sins have been forgiven,” the archbishop encouraged people to take refuge in the Lord and encouraged: “Let us not be afraid to turn to God, even with our infidelities and sins, with our deficiencies and inconsistencies, because He is always ready to forgive us”.

“Jesus awaits us in the sacrament of Confession, in which he not only forgives our sins and restores us to communion with God, but, little by little, he makes us participants in his victory over sin and death, participants in his own divine life.”

“Let us allow ourselves to be loved and forgiven by Jesus,” continued Bishop Del Río.

Let us not be afraid to resort to the sacrament of Confessionas many times as necessary; Let us not be afraid to recognize our sins and say ‘Lord, help me, I want to be happy, sin does not satisfy me, You can make me a new man, a new woman, give me your Holy Spirit'”, encouraged the Archbishop of Arequipa .

Confession, Penance or Reconciliation is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, through which God, through a priest, forgives the sins of the person who confesses them.

The numeral 1446 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out that “Christ instituted the sacrament of Penance in favor of all sinful members of his Church, above all for those who, after Baptism, have fallen into serious sin and thus have lost baptismal grace.” and injured the ecclesial communion.”

“The sacrament of Penance offers these a new possibility of converting and recovering grace,” he adds.

For a good confession it is necessary to follow these steps: examination of conscience, heartache for the sins committed, resolution of amendment (not to sin again), tell the sins to the priest (the confession itself) and fulfill the penance imposed by the priest

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