Lent 2025: Catholic Church in Ecuador encourages participating in its solidarity campaign

The Catholic Church in Ecuador encouraged “transforming existential hells” of the most needy in “paradise” through charity and the Cáritas Múnera 2025 campaign in this Lent.

In press conference Having held this week to present the solidarity campaign, the president of Cáritas Ecuador, Mons. Antonio Crameri, stressed that this initiative seeks, as Saint Benito Cottolengo said, “to achieve by God’s grace transform existential hells into small pieces of paradise.”

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In that sense, he encouraged everyone “to get on the train of solidarity and charity” from February 5 to April 13, that is, throughout Lent, taking into account that “everything is a matter of love. Where there is no love, there is either life either. Where there is no love, there is death. ”

The Bishop of the Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas recalled that the campaign was born 50 years ago with Cardinal Pablo Muñoz Vega – like a collection of Ramos Sunday – and highlighted “how good the world would be if it will depend on this idea: ‘My happiness depends on your happiness’”.

At the end of life the Lord will ask us “whether we have loved or not”

Cardinal Luis Cabrera, Archbishop of Guayaquil, also stressed that in this solidarity campaign “The message is Jesus, he is the one who during his ministry preached, announced the good news, cured the sick, expelled the demons, feed. He is the one who tells us that at the end of life, the only thing the Lord will ask us is whether we have loved or not. ”

This, he continued, can do with “very specific actions” with the most needy, with people suffering from addictions or with the sick. “This solidarity campaign is driven to meet these needs in some way.”

In responding to the most needy, he stressed, it is necessary to take into account that in charity “our salvation or condemnation is played because, in the end, they will not ask us how many hours of prayer or theology we have, but how much we have loved.”

What does Cáritas Ecuador do with the money collected?

In this campaign, which has as its motto “We are all brothers, I believe in the love that is shared”, Cáritas destines the proceeds to help children and adolescents, the care of the common house, the protection of victims of violence, the elderly, people with disabilities, inmates and poor families.

In 2024 it was possible to help more than 80,000 people with a total of 2,444,845.04 of dollars.

How can you collaborate?

The faithful can deliver their collaboration in their parish, with the envelope they receive in parishes or schools; Through the Cáritas Ecuador website www.caritasecuador.orgwith the APP of Auna or in the following bank account:

Social Pastoral Cáritas Ecuador
Pichincha Bank
Cta. Savings: 2200782978
RUC: 1792259479001

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