Leave your intentions at the foot of the Virgin of Lourdes in 2025

The Hozana Catholic Network will again help this 2025 devotees to send their intentions to the feet of Our Lady of Lourdes in its sanctuary in France.

The requests are collected in a Form on the Hozana websiteand according to a statement shared with ACI Press, they will be taken “at the foot of the Virgin, the day of its celebration”, on February 11.

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The Virgin Mary miraculously appeared several times to Santa Bernardita Soubirous between February 11 and July 16, 1858, in a cave in which a statue currently remembers the appearances.

Millions of pilgrims visit the current Sanctuary of Lourdes every year, and with special devotion they collect and drink from the waters of the spring, to which miraculous cures are attributed. Officially, 71 miracles have been recognized attributed to the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes.

The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in which the World Patient Dayis February 11 of each year.

To send the request through the Hozana website, You can enter this link.

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