Keys to driving in icy areas and what you should never do

Keys to driving in icy areas and what you should never do

The extreme cold wave throughout southern Argentina, with thermals that have reached -15 degrees, it is advancing towards the central area of ​​the country. According to the Meteorological Service, from today and during the weekend it could snow in Mar del Plata and other spa cities on the Buenos Aires coast, which could generate unknown or unusual conditions for most drivers.

Ice or snow are the most dangerous surfaces to drive on, since the level of grip is very low and, therefore, there is a high probability of lose control of the vehicle.

Driving in these conditions not only requires a particular style and much observation to be able to anticipate any maneuver, but it may also be indicated and even mandatory, depending on the case, the installation of elements that ensure traction.

The first thing to do is “change the driving chip.” Under normal conditions, it is common to accelerate and brake the vehicle sharply, and even make some sudden maneuvers. However, this is everything not to do when the road is icy.

On this type of surface everything has to be slow, smooth and controlled.


One of the key words when driving in conditions such as ice or snow is anticipation. Everything must be planned before executing the maneuver since when you lose control, something that can happen very easily, the low level of grip offered by the ground leaves almost no room for any correction.

To avoid this, it is essential that the maneuvers be soft: accelerate, brake and even steering wheel movements. That is why it is also important to drive at moderate speeds, since if you brake suddenly you may lose control of the vehicle. If you have to slow down It is best to use the engine brake with some recess in the gearbox and straight wheels.

Using winter tires or chains will facilitate traction on snowy surfaces.

It’s not advisable accelerate or brake when corneringbut you must decelerate constantly and thus allow the car to lose momentum.

It is also highly recommended increase space compared to previous vehicles, since the braking distances are considerably extended.

While when parking it is suggested to do so without applying the handbrakebut leave it instead.

Although it is mandatory to drive with low beams, you must also know that in foggy or snowy situations, you can opt for high beam or fog lights, which must be used with caution so as not to blind cars traveling in the opposite direction.

Tires and accessories

In areas where low temperatures are the norm in winter, winter tires are essential. These are wheels that are built with a softer compound than conventional ones, to prevent them from hardening too much in the cold.

In addition, they have a tread with another carving: apart from the traditional grooves that any tire can have, winter tires also have small grooves on the support surface that help to drain water better.

The result is a tire that can provide better grip on cold, wet, snowy or icy surfaces. Improves traction and reduces braking distances.

But only those who live in cold areas can have two sets of tires, one winter and the other conventional. That is why it is key to have other elements that can get anyone traveling to places where snow and ice are common out of trouble.

Las chains They are the best known element. These are placed hugging the wheels and allow for better traction. The chains break the ice as the car moves forward and thus ensure maneuverability.

In front-wheel drive models they should go in the front and in rear-wheel drive models, in the rear wheels. In vehicles with 4×4 traction it is not necessary to install them on all four wheels, but they do have to be installed on the front ones because they are the ones in charge of steering.

With the chains on, you should not exceed 50 km/h and it is essential to remove them as soon as the road is free of snow or ice, as they can break and damage the tires and other parts of the car.

Having a pair of chains in the trunk when traveling to the South can make a difference not only in terms of safety but also in the possibility of driving, since in heavy snowfall the authorities may require this element as mandatory.

There are other “chains” that are less aggressive with the vehicle’s undercarriage. These are covers made of a special fabric that work very well but cost twice as much.

There is also a spray which is applied to the tread and allows you to get out of complicated situations, but it loses its effectiveness after a few meters.

Finally there are some seals They fit between the tread and inside the tire and perform the same function as a chain. But it is also recommended only for particular occasions since its durability is much less.

Other tips

  • In low temperature areas with the possibility of freezing, the windshield wiper bladess about it. It is advisable to remove them so that they do not remain adhered.
  • Constantly check the suggested quantities of antifreeze fluid in the radiator water, in the fuel or in the frog’s water.
  • -Maintain maximum level of combustiblesince due to inclement weather it could be stopped for a long time and in a situation of having to leave the car engine on to heat the cabin.
  • In low temperature situations, it may take more than one crank to start the engine. For this reason it is unavoidable that the battery is in good condition. Remember that they lower their performance in cold climates.

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