Kansas City Archbishop Solves demand against Grupo Satanist for alleged theft of the Eucharist

Kansas City Archbishop Solves demand against Grupo Satanist for alleged theft of the Eucharist

The Kansas City Archbishop (United States), Mons. Joseph Naumann, resolved the lawsuit against a Satanist group that said, under oath, that the hosts and wine they plan to profane in a ritual are not of Catholic origin.

On March 14, Mons. Naumann filed a lawsuit In the Leaveorth County District Court requesting an order so that the co -founder of the Satanist group returned the Eucharist. The defendant had boasted online to possess a “consecrated host” that would be desecrated during an upcoming “black mass.”

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The defendants were Michael T. Stewart and Travis L. Roberts, residents of Kansas and co -founders of the satanic grotto, also known as the Grotto Society, a non -profit organization recorded in Linwood, Kansas.

In the lawsuit, the archbishop alleged that Stewart had published on the Internet that the group had “achieved a consecrated host” that they intended to desecrate during a “black mass” on March 28, on the grounds of the Kansas State Capitol.

The “Satanist” groups that intend to organize the so -called “black masses” – a mockery of the Catholic Mass – have boasted on other occasions to possess a stolen consecrated host, with the intention of profane it in an unpalified, but profane ritual.

The Catholic Church teaches that the Eucharist, although it retains the appearance of bread and wine, is truly the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.

As leader of the Catholic Church in the region, Mons. Naumann appealed to the Kansas law On the return of personal assets, arguing that Satanists are not authorized to possess consecrated bread and wine and, if they have them, they must have obtained them illegally.

“Every consecrated host and any amount of consecrated wine are owned by the Catholic Church and, therefore, Archbishop Naumann, as a custodian of said property, located within the territory of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas, has the right to the immediate delivery of said property,” reads the demand.

As proof that Stewart and Roberts had the Eucharist, Naumann presented Reddit publications screenshots in which the user “XSimon666x” said that “they had already achieved a consecrated host” and “also came” for the desecration ritual. The defendants admitted during the process that “XSimon666x” is one of their pseudonyms.

A promotional brochure of the “Mass” published in Reddit lists the “components” of the ritual, which include the “denunciation of Christ”, the “desecration of the Eucharist” and the “corruption of blood.” Mons. Naumann emphasized the “incalculable” value of the Eucharist as one of the various reasons why the court should demand its safe return to the Church.

“A host is simply a piece of bread. However, a consecrated host – including the consecrated host object of this action – is a host that has gone through transubstantiation and now is the body of Jesus Christ,” says demand.

“Likewise, the wine used in Mass is simply common wine. However, once the wine has gone through transubstantiation, it becomes consecrated wine and, therefore, in the blood of Jesus Christ.”

For his part, Stewart, who has described himself as an atheist that he does not believe in Satan, denied the accusations of robbery in statements to Kansas Reflector And he said that “nobody asked” what the consecration means for him.

“It seems very curious that (Naumann) is convinced that I have Jesus trapped in a cookie and lead him to trial,” Stewart said.

Los judicial documents They show that Stewart and Roberts responded to the allegations of the demand, in part, arguing that “there is no evidence that the host to which the defendants refer to in their publications is a Catholic Eucharistic host” and that “the Catholic Church does not have the monopoly of communion or the consecration of hosts or wine.”

“The hosts subject to this demand are not of Catholic origin,” said the defendants.

The Kansas Catholic Conference, in a statement provided to CNA, described the guarantees of the Satanist group, that they have not stolen or possess the Eucharist, as an “unexpected but welcome event” that relieves many of the “serious concerns” of the Church.

However, they pointed out that the Satanist group continues to plan to profane a Bible, a crucifix and other Christian symbols, and that Catholics must continue to pray for the conversion of those who plan to participate.

“Now we have a sworn statement before a judge that states that the group does not have a validly consecrated host,” said Chuck Weber, executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference.

“This relieves great concern. It is still unfortunate that a group can obtain permission to use the land of the state capitol when their sole purpose is to make fun and denigrate not only Catholics, but to people of all denominations,” he added.

In the midst of a heated debate among Kansas legislators about whether the event should be allowed, Governor Laura Kelly declared last week that she has “limited authority” to cancel it, decree instead that it must be done outdoors and not inside the building. A petition Led by Catholics asking Kelly to cancel the event has gathered more than 40,000 signatures until Thursday.

The Catholic bishops of the state of Kansas urge the faithful to oppose the event planned through prayer, good works such as the search for volunteer opportunities with Catholic charities, and contacting their legislators to ask them to cancel the event.

On the day of the satanic event, Mons. Naumann will officiate an holy hour in the Catholic Church of the Assumption, located in front of the Capitol. The Holy Hour will begin at 11:00 am, followed by the midday Mass. Saint hours and similar masses are planned in the neighboring dioceses of Kansas: Wichita, Salina and Dodge City.

In a statement, Mons. Naumann said that the satanic ritual is a “affront to all Christians,” but urged the faithful not to “succumb to anger and violence, since that would be equivalent to cooperating with the devil.”

“Rather, face this situation with confidence in God’s final victory over Satan, sin and death, as stated in Matthew 16:18,” concluded the archbishop.

Benedictine College announced that students and staff will dedicate the saints, the prayer of the rosary and the prayers of the weekly Memoraze of March to ask for the conversion of those involved in the sacrilegious event and so that faith grows in Kansas.

The Catholic opposition to “black masses” has had a success history in recent years.

Last October, Atlanta Catholics were outraged and were called to prayer when the satanic temple, a provocative political organization based in Salem, Massachusetts, announced a “black mass.”

After a legal action by the Archdiocese of Atlanta, the satanic temple admitted not to have a consecrated host or intend to use it at its mass.

In 2014, a “black mass” planned at Harvard University caused considerable outrage among Catholics. The same happened that same year in Oklahoma City.

The latter culminated in a successful demand of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, who denounced a occult group who claimed to have obtained a consecrated host, which allowed its safe and save return.

Translated and adapted by the ACI Press team. Originally published in CNA.

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