Jubilees in the Catholic Church: Meaning, origin and everything you need to know

Jubilees in the Catholic Church: Meaning, origin and everything you need to know

Jubilees are events of great importance in the life of the Church, marked by spiritual renewal, forgiveness and the mercy of God. Over the centuries, they have played a crucial role in the faith, attracting millions of worshipers from around the world.

But what exactly is a jubilee, what is its origin and why is it still called?

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What is a Jubilee?

In the Catholic Church, a jubilee is a holy year, a special time of grace granted by the Pope, during which the faithful can receive plenary indulgences, that is, the total remission of temporal punishment for sins.

The jubilee is deeply linked to penance, reconciliation and conversion, and its celebration aims to help Catholics renew their faith and draw closer to God.

The Jewish origin of the word “Jubilee”

The term “Jubilee” comes from Jewish tradition, although its interpretation in Christianity differs considerably. In Jewish culture, according to the Jubilee 2025 official sitea Jubilee celebrated the liberation of the people of Israel from slavery.

Its name has roots in the “jobel,” a ritual horn that was used to mark the beginning of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). From this term, “jobel”, the Christian word “Jubilee” is derived.

According to the book of Leviticus (25:10-13), every 50 years, the people of Israel were to celebrate a Jubilee year, during which the freedom of slaves was proclaimed, the lands were returned to their original owners, and the lands were forgiven. the debts. This year was meant to restore social justice and allow the community to start anew.

The Jubilee in the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church adopted this tradition in the year 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII proclaimed the first Holy Year. Since then, jubilees have been celebrated regularly, every 25 or 50 years, depending on circumstances, and on special occasions as determined by the Pope.

The official site of the Jubilee 2025 points out that there are also “extraordinary” moments: for example, in 1933, Pius XI wanted to commemorate the anniversary of the Redemption and in 2015 Pope Francis called the Year of Mercy.

There are different types of Jubilees

There are two main types of jubilees in the Catholic Church:

Ordinary Jubilee: Celebrated every 25 years. It is a year of forgiveness and grace, marked by pilgrimages to Rome, confession, communion and the performance of works of mercy. The most recent Ordinary Jubilee was in 2000, under the pontificate of Saint John Paul II, and the next is scheduled for 2025.

Extraordinary Jubilee: It is called on special occasions, when the Pope considers that the Church needs a special time of grace. A recent example is the Jubilee of Mercy, proclaimed by Pope Francis in 2015-2016, which focused on the importance of divine mercy and the need for the faithful to practice it in their daily lives.

Opening of the Holy Doors and obtaining plenary indulgences

During a jubilee year, the Holy Doors of the four main basilicas of Rome are opened: Saint Peter, Saint John Lateran, Saint Mary Major and Saint Paul Outside the Walls. Crossing these doors symbolizes the entrance to a path of reunion with God and forgiveness.

The faithful can obtain plenary indulgences, as long as they meet the established conditions: sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion, prayer for the Pope’s intentions and the performance of works of charity.

The impact of the Jubilees

Jubilees not only have a spiritual impact, but also mobilize millions. The faithful of the world travel to Rome and other sanctuaries or basilicas in their own countries to receive the graces granted during this time.

Furthermore, jubilees are an opportunity for the Church to reflect on key issues. For example, the Jubilee of Mercy of 2015-2016 was a call to compassion and forgiveness.

He next Jubilee 2025 has as its motto “Pilgrims of hope”since Pope Francis wanted it to be a year of hope amid the scourge of wars, social crises and climate change.


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