Jubilee 2025: Everything you need to know about the bull Hope does not confuse

In addition, he highlighted the care of the elderly, grandmothers and grandfathers who represent the transmission of faith. Therefore, he implores “urgently, hope for the thousands of poor who often lack what is necessary to live.”

Later, supported the creation of a “Global Fund” to end hunger and urged the richest nations to “recognize the seriousness of so many decisions made and determine to forgive debts of the countries that will never be able to pay them off.”

He also invited that, during the Holy Year, the 1700 years of the celebration of the first great Council of Nicaea be commemorated, “which marked a milestone in the history of the Church.” He asked that this event serve as an example to work on synodality. and union among Christians.

The document invites us to celebrate a common Easter among all Christians

In addition, he reiterated his desire for all Christians to celebrate Easter on the same dates, something that, he remembers, will happen precisely in 2025. “May this event be a call for all Christians in the East and the West to take a decisive step.” towards unity around a common date for Easter.”

Explain the reasons for our Christian hope

The Pontiff also stressed that the certainty that Christ was resurrected and that there is eternal life constitutes the basis of Christian hope. According to Pope Francis, “the Jubilee will offer us the opportunity to rediscover, with immense gratitude, the gift of that new life received in Baptism, capable of transfiguring its drama.”

Promotes an ecumenical celebration in honor of the testimony of the martyrs

The document highlights the example of the martyrs and assures that we need to “preserve their testimony to make our hope fruitful.” “During the Jubilee, therefore, my earnest wish is that there be an ecumenical celebration where the richness of the testimony of these martyrs is revealed,” the Pontiff wrote.

Provides details on the jubilee indulgence

Pope Francis also reflects on true happiness and cites a reality linked to eternal life: the judgment of God. Furthermore, he insists on the need to pray “for those who have completed their earthly path” and emphasizes that “the jubilee indulgence, by virtue of prayer, is intended in particular for those who have preceded us, so that they may obtain full mercy.”

Regarding indulgence, Pope Francis encourages the faithful to approach the sacrament of penance and rediscover the beauty “of the sacrament of healing and joy, the beauty of the forgiveness of sins.”

To erase the “traces” of sins, it indicates that “the Apostolic Penitentiary will be in charge of issuing the provisions to be able to obtain and make effective the practice of the jubilee indulgence.”

Furthermore, he invited the Missionaries of Mercy to “exercise their ministry during the Jubilee, restoring hope and forgiving every time a sinner turns to them with an open heart and repentant spirit.”

Invites you to pray at the sanctuaries

Before concluding, Pope Francis asked that during Jubilee 2025 “shrines be holy places of welcome and privileged spaces to generate hope.”

“I invite pilgrims who will come to Rome to stop and pray at the Marian shrines of the city to venerate the Virgin Mary and invoke her protection,” he wrote.

The document has a last call

Finally, the Pope adds a last request: “May this Jubilee help to recover the necessary trust – both in the Church and in society – in interpersonal ties, in international relations, in the promotion of the dignity of every person and in respect for creation.”


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