Jubilee 2025: calendar with events published

It is now available in the official website of the Jubilee of Hope the calendar with the dates of the first 26 major events that will be celebrated during the next year.

Throughout 2025, Rome will receive millions of pilgrims who want to be part of this great event of the Catholic Church.

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The dates of the first jubilee events can now be consulted online, as well as the activities that will be carried out on each occasion and the instructions for registering.

The great jubilee events

The first appointment after the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, which Pope Francis will make on December 24, is for the World of Communication, from January 24 to 25.

Later, between February 8 and 9, the Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police and Security will take place, followed by the Deacons Jubilee, from February 21 to 23 and the Volunteer Jubilee, on March 8 and 9 .

The Jubilee of the Missionaries of Mercy will be between March 28 and 30 and is intended for the priests to whom Pope Francis granted in 2016 the faculties to absolve those sins that are the exclusive responsibility of the Apostolic See.

On April 5 and 6, the Jubilee of the Sick and the World of Health will be celebrated, which calls for all the sick and professional figures related to the world of health.

The Jubilee of People with Disabilities will also take place, from April 28 to 29; the Workers’ Jubilee, from May 1 to 4; the Businessmen’s Jubilee, from May 4 to 5 and the Musical Bands’ Jubilee, scheduled for the 10th and 11th of the same month.

There will also be two days reserved especially for the brotherhoods, from May 16 to 18, and a Jubilee for Families, Children, Grandparents and the Elderly between May 30 and June 1.

For its part, the Jubilee of Movements, Associations and New Communities will take place on June 7 and 8 and the Jubilee of the Holy See will be celebrated on June 9, 2025.

Also included are the Sports Jubilee, from June 14 to 15; the Jubilee of the Seminarians, from June 23 to 24; the Bishops’ Jubilee, June 25; and the Jubilee of Priests, from June 25 to 27.

On September 15, 2025, the Jubilee of Consolation will take place, aimed at all those who are living a time of pain and affliction due to illness, grief, violence and abuse suffered.

On the 20th of that month there will be the Jubilee of the Justice Operators and from the 26th to the 28th of the same month, the Jubilee of the Catechists.

Additionally, there will be a Migrant Jubilee from the 4th to the 5th; a Jubilee of Consecrated Life from October 8 to 9 and a Jubilee of Marian Spirituality, between October 11 and 12.

The Jubilee of the Choirs will also be celebrated on November 21 and 23 and, finally, the Jubilee of the Prisoners on December 14, 2025.

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