John Paul II visited East Timor like Pope Francis 35 years ago

John Paul II visited East Timor like Pope Francis 35 years ago

On October 12, 1989, Saint John Paul II presided over a Mass during his visit to East Timor in the same place where Pope Francis did so today before 600,000 faithful, almost equivalent to the entire population.

That day, numerous Catholics undertook “long and difficult journeys” from their villages until reaching the Taci Tolu esplanade, around the city of Dili, when the country was still under Indonesian occupation.

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It should be noted that, after becoming independent from Portugal in 1975, the country was invaded in 1976 by Indonesian forces, until May 20, 2002, when it finally declared its independence.

Currently, about 98% of the population identifies as Catholic, the highest percentage after Vatican City.

The same faith, 35 years later

Although almost 35 years separate both events, the faith and hope of East Timor continues to stand, despite the violence and the “dark days” of the past, as Pope Francis recalled during his speech to the country’s authorities. .

The area of ​​this esplanade, today covered with umbrellas in the colors of the Vatican, is considered of national interest for its picturesque landscapes and rich biodiversity.

The place is characterized by three salt lakes – from which it takes its name -, an esplanade and a beach, and is home to a famous park, designated “Peace Park” by the Government on May 20, 2002.

In memory of the historic visit of Saint John Paul II, the government erected a chapel and a six-meter-high statue of the Polish Saint, which currently dominates the western edge of the capital and overlooks the sea.

The monument was inaugurated and blessed on June 14, 2008 by the Apostolic Nuncio to Indonesia and East Timor, Bishop Leopoldo Girelli.

History tells that it was here that Indonesian soldiers dumped the bodies of many young people during the fight for independence.

“You must show yourselves worthy of your Christian vocation”

In his homily That October 12, Saint John Paul II assured that since the beginning of his pontificate he had followed “with concern” the situation of the inhabitants of East Timor.

The then Pope encouraged the faithful to respond to the Lord’s call to be “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world.”

“You, Catholics of East Timor, have a tradition in which family life, culture and social customs are deeply rooted in the Gospel and this tradition is an important part of your identity,” stressed Saint John Paul II.

For this reason, he exhorted the faithful to show themselves worthy of their Christian vocation, “which is a call to holiness, prayer, the practice of the sacraments and self-denial, without which it is impossible to be disciples.”

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