Jesuits expel Felipe Berríos, Catholic priest guilty of abuse in Chile

The Chilean province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) reported on May 10 that the priest Felipe Berríos has been found guilty of committing abuse and crimes of requesting sexual favors within the framework of the sacrament of confession, for which he has been expelled from the order.

“After a long canonical process, the Father General of the Society of Jesus, after having studied the compiled antecedents, has decreed the expulsion of Felipe Berríos from the Society of Jesus,” notes a statement published today on the website of the Jesuits of Chile.

“At the same time and with the mandate of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (of the Vatican), he has been prohibited from the public exercise of the priesthood and all pastoral contact with minors for a period of 10 years,” the text continues, which It also specifies that Father Felipe Berríos and the victims have already been notified of this decision.


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