Is the largest piece of the Cross of Christ that is preserved left without custodians?

Is the largest piece of the Cross of Christ that is preserved left without custodians?

In fact, he points out, “there has been interest from some order, but only in the monastery,” which would not be the preferential option of the Bishopric, given that the Archpriest of the Holy Cross It is made up of 72 parishesof which “the archpriest cares for 40 with the help of another priest,” says Redondo.

Sources from the Bishopric of Santander assure ACI Prensa that, although there is nothing official, “the Monastery is not going to close and the cult will be maintained in any case” in the place where this important relic is kept.

Regarding the custody of the cross, Redondo emphasizes that, “although there have been hoaxes about it, the The wood of the cross The Franciscans are not going to take him, nor are they going to transfer him to the Bishopric.”

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