When a road accident There are many factors that can cause the person who caused it to decide to continue driving without complying with their obligation to stop. In certain cases, this decision can become a criminal offense.
It is important to know that when there is a crash, drivers have to comply, at a minimum, with the obligations established in the National Traffic Law.
And one of the main ones is found in article 65, when it establishes that those people who participate in a traffic accident are required to “Stop immediately”.
Failure to comply with this obligation can even become a criminal offense if there are injuries, since the driver who does not stop could be committing person abandonment or some other criminal act.
In these cases, it is always recommended stop at the place where the accident occurs to exchange mandatory documentation with other drivers and collaborate with those who may be in need of some type of medical assistance.
Additionally, in this way they will be able to contact the police or contact the emergency numbers that will depend on the location and severity of the events.
Once the police authority and, if necessary, the medical personnel arrive, the interveners may leave except when the police require it to investigate the possible commission of a crime.
What role do insurance companies have?
On the other hand, you have to file a claim with the insurance that protects each intervening vehicle within 3 days of the event occurring. The suggestion in these cases is to make the report as close as possible to the moment the event occurred so that if any additional information is needed, information can be sought, for example, from a nearby camera or from witnesses to the event.
Then the insurance companies will take the intervention that their policyholders require to resolve the claims. They must also give the representation that corresponds to them according to what is agreed in their policies and provide due coverage for damage to the vehicles.
Regarding the injured people, they must do their compensation claims in the insurance company of the responsible vehicle of the fact. In cases where for some reason the insurer refuses to cover these damages, a claim must be initiated against the owner and/or driver and/or possessor of the responsible vehicle to cover all expenses and damages suffered.
Therefore, it is very important to be able to obtain all the information and documentation at the time of the incident. In cases in which the person responsible for the accident does not comply with his obligation to stop, the corresponding criminal complaint may be filed depending on the seriousness of the facts.
And if the crash caused damage to the vehicle or injuries to the people involved, the civil claims to obtain financial compensation.
It is made clear that the specific case must always be evaluated and this note does not imply advice on the specific situation but rather general guidelines.