International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024 opens accreditation for journalists

The organizers of the 53rd Quito International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024), through their press office, have opened this Tuesday, June 18, the accreditation process for journalists who wish to cover this important ecclesial and world event.

In order to register, you must send a request letter on letterhead, “with a brief presentation of the medium and the motivations for covering the event,” says the IEC 2024 in a note published today.

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The letter must be sent to the IEC 2024 press office email ( and “must include the web address, email and contact telephone number of the media outlet,” in addition to the number of journalists who you want to credit the media, including their names.

“Once the IEC 2024 press office receives the request, in response a link with username and password will be sent for use by the media, so that each of the communicators and technicians can complete the accreditation form, online,” the note specifies.

If the accreditations are approved, they will be delivered in Quito, with which journalists will have “access to the press room and other spaces of the Congress.”

The IEC 2024 press office told ACI Prensa that the deadline for the accreditation application expires on August 26.

The International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024 (IEC 2024)

The International Eucharistic Congress (IEC Quito 2024), which will take place from September 8 to 15, has as its theme “Fraternity to heal the world.”

In May the Vatican reported that Pope Francis had appointed Cardinal Joseph Farell, prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Life and Family, as his special envoy to the IEC.

“The 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will be held in Quito from September 8 to 15 of this year, has chosen EWTN as its official channel, which will broadcast everything related” to this great event, explained Father Juan Carlos Garzón, general secretary of the IEC Quito 2024, in statements to ACI Prensa in May.

Before the congress itself, a theological symposium will be held in Quito from September 4 to 7.

Registration for the International Eucharistic Congress, both for the symposium and for the congress itself, opened on January 31 and can be done through the event website:

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